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Everything posted by biodork

  1. I'll readily admit to not knowing the full details of how the ACA impacts companies, but can't they choose to pass the increased health insurance costs to the employees and keep them employed (or a combo of increased pricing on their goods as Eleven suggested) rather than letting people go? It just reeks of companies being greedy and/or trying to pull an "I-told-you-so" now that Romney didn't get elected, but it's entirely possible I'm missing something here. That impression may also be influenced by the apparent glee with which certain people are reporting news of layoffs, which I find offensive. Agreed.
  2. Irony. http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/11/republicans_voter_fraud_tests.php?ref=fpa
  3. Outstanding stuff, and I agree 100% on all points. :(
  4. OMG, this x1000. I hate it when people blow their nose in public at all, really (sometimes unavoidable, but usually you can at least step over to a corner or out in a hall or something). My gross coworker is constantly blowing his nose in the lab all of 6 feet from me, and every time I cringe. Ick. Sorry to hear about that. :( Mine for today: people suck. The author of one of the food blogs I read regularly had generously offered to donate any income above and beyond the prior month's ad revenue to the hurricane relief, as she has family in that area and was very close to the situation. It sounded like a great idea because it was a way for the readers to contribute indirectly, just by browsing more recipes and the like (which we do already). Unbelievably, the poor girl actually got HATE MAIL from @ssholes who criticized her for just trying to up her own profits, etc etc so she ended up dropping the idea. How can some people be so effing miserable that they'd rather bash someone trying to help than do anything productive to help themselves? :censored:
  5. D'oh. Maybe spending too much time with Kaleta?
  6. My boyfriend swears by Amica, but I got a quote from them that was laughably high, so not sure what the deal is with them.
  7. Good read, TB -- thanks for posting.
  8. Just got an email about this new site: https://www.popvox.com/ Haven't looked too deeply yet, but seems like a cool way to stay informed and get involved. Edit: added description from the email newsletter below:
  9. I'd vote for something comical. I have no doubt you'll come up with something good, though.
  10. A little sweet, but surprisingly good. Was thinking I'd mix it with cider, but it doesn't even need to be mixed.
  11. Good stuff, man, and wholeheartedly agree.
  12. Romney doing his speech now after calling to congratulate Obama. Nicely done so far.
  13. Brian Williams on Trump was hilarious.
  14. So any chance for the Libertarian party getting the necessary 5%? Fair enough.
  15. So why not be graceful in (potential) defeat? Is it just a PR thing? Troubling, but FL looking good now for Obama...
  16. Might be a question for TB, but what happens if Romney concedes and a week later the full vote counts miraculously have him as the winner? I would think him being graceful in (projected) defeat wouldn't preclude him from accepting a win later on, but maybe I'm wrong on that.
  17. Poured a little too much rum in expectation of a more drawn-out affair tonight. Must... not... waste... alcohol...
  18. Well that'll be next weekend if what they're saying about the provisional ballots is true. Way to be a sore loser, Mitt.
  19. Holy sh!t, that happened fast... Thank you, Ohio!!!
  20. I'm stocked if you don't mind a drive. ;)
  21. Lol the latter
  22. Geez, might not know on Ohio until next Sat. if they have to count all the provisional ballots. Crazy.
  23. Bacardi Oakheart Spiced Rum on the rocks. Man, this stuff is smooth.
  24. Akin loses his seat to Claire McCaskill, and Tammy Duckworth beats Joe Walsh.
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