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Everything posted by biodork

  1. First brunch in a while: an apricot mimosa to start off, then a huge goat cheese omelet with mushrooms and bechemel sauce. Mmm.
  2. I'm sure there are better / more qualified people to answer this, but my friend's husband loves Feckin. I personally haven't sampled much in the way of Irish whiskey just yet, but it's on the to-do list.
  3. Happy T-day... hope everyone gets to enjoy with friends and/or family.
  4. Haha -- came across this while looking for info on the dressing vs. stuffing conundrum... sounds awesome! Buffalo roasted turkey?! Here's what I found on dressing vs. stuffing: http://bakingbites.com/2008/11/stuffing-vs-dressing-and-regional-preferences/ http://www.yumsugar.com/Stuffing-vs-Dressing-Whats-Difference-6186984 Sounds like Sabre Dance was at least partially correct, but mostly those in the South call it dressing and those in the North / NE refer to it as stuffing (regardless of how it was prepared).
  5. Wouldn't happen to be Cee-Lo, would it? ;)
  6. Seems weird to call it something different just because of where it was cooked, but you may very well be correct...
  7. Yeah, we shall see... I think the only reason he's stuck around so long is he's one of those people who does well in class and can give a good presentation, but has absolutely zero practical sense. Dude still shows up to lab meeting with four Excel spreadsheets in teeny font with columns of data calculations rather than showing us 1-2 graphs with the actual useful portion of the data because he couldn't figure out how to plot it. Embarrassing. He doesn't even deserve a Master's degree given that he's utterly incapable of thinking for himself and working autonomously, but even if his thesis committee finally decides to push him out, I'm guessing he'll get one as a consolation prize. People are way too lenient around here.
  8. I've heard people use the two terms interchangeably (although I've always called it stuffing)... what's the difference? Related to that: a few years back, the bf and I were in CA over Thanksgiving with his family. His mom was talking the day before about prepping dishes for dinner, and how she makes her dressing with sausage. Since my family had only ever called it stuffing, I thought she was talking about putting meat in salad dressing, which sounded pretty awful. It wasn't until the day of when I saw what she was making (stuffing) that I realized the source of my confusion. :blush:
  9. This is a lame complaint, but last night I ordered a pair of shoes that were marked down from $65 to $25.50 thinking I'd gotten a great deal, only to see this morning they're now selling them for $17! Blargh. And my stinky, gross co-worker who is entirely ill-suited to life as a research scientist for a whole host of reasons has a new one to add to the list: he's apparently so stressed by his time here in graduate school that he's taking anxiety medications and started crying yesterday when the boss sat him down (again) to try and make him understand he's looking at a 10 year plan with his current rate of productivity. Really, MF'er? You "work" from 9-5 Mon-Fri, during which you disappear for long blocks of time and spend large amounts of the time you are around surfing gaming websites. You rarely work weekends, which is generally expected of graduate students, and after 3 1/2 years in the lab are still unable to design a competent experiment or think for yourself about how to analyze your results. Our boss is pretty much the nicest guy ever, and has been far more patient with you than your work ethic and technical skills justify. And somehow you're so incredibly distraught that you're on medication? Newsflash: this line of work doesn't get any easier after graduate school, idiot. In fact, you've got it pretty damn cushy right now, and if this is already too much to handle you really need to either put on your big boy pants or leave and do something else (preferably the latter).
  10. Ah, weave... I'm not sure I'll ever develop the ability to discern all the wonderfully nuanced flavors you describe in your tasting notes, but reading them is always enjoyable and makes me want to go try some new bourbon. I sincerely hope things work out for you in your job search, but I can't help but think your calling may be elsewhere.
  11. The Hostess version: http://money.cnn.com/2012/11/16/news/companies/hostess-closing/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 And the AFL-CIO version: http://www.aflcio.org/Blog/Corporate-Greed/Trumka-Giving-Thanks-for-Hostess-Workers
  12. This had me cracking up the other day: why you should be glad gay men like each other and not your girlfriends
  13. Sounds pretty amazing. I had a fantastic hot cocoa at a nice restaurant in Tuscon a while back with the same flavors... really brings out the chocolate.
  14. It sounds like they're basically buying the distressed debt (like a debt collector would), then forgiving said debt rather than attempting to collect it. I'd hope this is going towards people who are defaulting due to a pretty legitimate hardship (Sandy damage, job loss, medical expenses, etc), but the idea is sheer brilliance.
  15. Great point, and thanks for the thoughtful reply. I don't pretend to understand all of this stuff, but it seems like there are better ways of dealing with the health insurance requirement outside of making your employees ineligible.
  16. Honest question (I really don't know the answer here): it seems like the law only requires them to offer an approved plan. Can't they just offer an inexpensive low-coverage / high-deductible plan, or one where the costs are almost entirely covered by the employee? I have no idea how many people in the restaurant biz choose to take insurance through their employer vs find their own, but I can't help but think there are ways to deal with this other than just cutting hours to make people ineligible for health insurance.
  17. People who overuse the word "teehee" and think layoffs are hilarious. :thumbdown:
  18. This: http://www.care2.com/causes/occupy-wall-street-is-buying-and-paying-the-99s-debt.html
  19. LOL definitely awesome. Edit: related to that, did anyone else know that he voiced 1/2 of The Ambiguously Gay Duo (and who voiced the other half)?? From here: http://www.secondcitynetwork.com/words/12-things-you-didnt-know-about-second-city-alum-steve-carell/
  20. Interesting. So many guys had terrible seasons last year that it's tough to speculate, but curious to find out whenever the news goes public.
  21. Link, or insider info?
  22. Oof. :blink: And wow. That guy is delusional. You sure about that? I thought I'd heard there were several issues that come up every year (because no one ever comes up with a permanent fix rather than a band-aid), like AMT, mortgage interest deductions, etc. I also seem to recall I had to wait an extra two weeks to file last year because something had been decided at the last minute and the IRS wasn't prepared to accept my return just yet (doesn't impact those filing a 1040-EZ).
  23. Awesome, indeed... sounds like a celebration is in order!
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