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Everything posted by biodork

  1. B-) I'd love to go if I can swing it, but like other out-of-towners, I'll have to see once dates are selected, I think. Near a holiday is probably worse for those who have to fly, though I understand if that's easier for the local folks as far as time off.
  2. JEALOUS. Safe travels and have an excellent time!
  3. The one you referenced (Whiplash)... perhaps unknowingly? http://youtu.be/mIABSdupWdI?t=50s
  4. That movie was painful to watch.
  5. Is that the first you've seen it? :o There's another one that is a similar style and I'm drawing a complete blank on the name right now, but yeah that movie is fantastic. Edit: House of Flying Daggers! Another great one.
  6. :oops: I don't know why I always mix you two up, LOL. Either way, you're both welcome to come play in the snow!
  7. We can only hope. Now before I get banned for veering into politics, a lame complaint: I'm tired. Felt good to be more productive yesterday at work, but wish I'd gotten motivated in the afternoon instead of in the evening. :death:
  8. :lol: yikes, your mom must be a saint!
  9. True story: several years ago my brother wanted to make Thanksgiving dinner for everyone, but he definitely underestimated the amount of work involved. He stayed up super late trying to get everything done and managed to get all the dishes together, but when we got to dessert, we realized in his tired rush he'd accidentally grabbed cumin instead of cinnamon. We all kind of politely tried not to make faces as we were eating it, but it was so gross. We still tease him today about his specialty Mexican cheesecake. :lol:
  10. That's seriously awesome.
  11. Fingers crossed that the Senate kills it. :ph34r: My brother was like that growing up... he'd get sick and would intentionally cough into the cupboards to try and take the rest of us down with him. Always happened right before a winter chorus concert and I'd be all froggy because of him. <_<
  12. My mom is (again) digging herself into a financial hole. She's stopped paying my brother full rent, her car has bad tires that she can't afford to replace, the car A/C doesn't work (a significant issue in AZ), and now she's decided she's going to have to miss a car payment so she can afford to get surgery for her cat to remove a growth from her ears. I want to help, but I've got my own things to deal with and it's so hard watching someone slowly destroy themselves, over and over again. :(
  13. You really should; the season is so long out here (Arapahoe Basin is typically open from late Oct. through early June!), and it'll be an easy flight after you've moved for grad school! Be careful what you wish for... ... lol nah, I'm too lazy to upload all my photos. I don't have Doohickie's dedication, lol. But I'll try to share more once hiking season gets into full swing!
  14. Happy to share! I've been lazy about uploading pics from my phone over the last few months (and my stepmom half-jokingly accused me of bragging, so I tried to dial it back a little, haha).
  15. Thanks! And actually I'm not in either of those two photos (I was the photographer)... those were just friends who joined for the day. :)
  16. Sounds like you won't be relocating to CO, but United (if you dare) has a direct flight to Denver from OKC! ;) Two more, just because it's gorgeous out here:
  17. I've been slacking on this thread, but I spent the weekend enjoying the spring snowstorm out here. :) 21 days on the mountain for the season. Now it's time to switch over to hiking and biking!
  18. It's been snowing all week in the mountains here, so a bonus powder weekend is in store for me! :D
  19. :o I just upgraded a few months ago to 20 Mbps from 12... :blink: Then again, I'm not sharing my bandwidth with anyone, lol.
  20. Meaning the new dentist had no issue getting the tooth to numb? My new dentist had to fill a cavity for me about two weeks ago, and she did the initial shot of local anesthesia but I still had some sensitivity left, so she did a second one. She told me she only starts with the first because some people don't need the second if the root isn't as deep and the second injection is a little more painful, but did the trick! Had the most bizarre sensation of feeling like I was going to swallow (or choke on) the roof of my mouth, though. :wacko:
  21. Ah, I gotcha. I forgot that I had laughing gas once when I had a cavity filled at age 8 or 9, and my parents were cracking up in the office because apparently once it kicked in I was just giggling like a fool through the whole thing. :lol:
  22. They're using general anesthesia for cavities now? Must be something they do for younger kids... only dental procedure I've had with full anesthesia was surgical removal (local only for all other major work).
  23. Ant Man! Gotta disagree with you there... I loved Ant Man (maybe because I had low expectations going in), but I was disappointed by Civil War. Too much of the movie felt like a Sacha Baron Cohen flick (i.e. let's figure out scenes that would be cool or funny and attempt to make a story that loosely ties them all together). It was still entertaining, but easily my least favorite from the recent Marvel universe films.
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