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Everything posted by biodork

  1. This is a lame one, but I'm still tired after hardly getting any sleep on Christmas Eve. We went to bed around 2am knowing we were getting up around 8:30am to start the turkey, which was already insufficient. Made worse, however, by the fact that around 4:15am the cat became very insistent on more attention. Tried petting her but she'd start nibbling on my fingers whenever I stopped. Pulled my arms under the covers, so she decides to lick my hair. Shoo her to the foot of the bed, and she's attacking my feet. After a few rounds of that I finally kicked her out of the room, but sheesh I'm tired. The last time I stayed there she just slept quietly on the bed all night, so I don't know what her deal was.
  2. Holy crap, Eleven. Sorry you had to deal with that (and on Christmas Eve, too!). And I'll second that (e)motion. (Couldn't resist.)
  3. Wow, congrats MattPie! Sounds like an amazing trip.
  4. Can't believe I didn't get the joke, lol. And thanks.
  5. The Pixie with Aeroccino (and holy smokes, after looking that up I sure hope my mom didn't pay full price). And yeah, what's up with the long hiatus, Eleven? I didn't think lawyers went on sabbatical.
  6. As always, I received far more presents than anyone really needs from people who care about me. (I'm especially looking forward to testing my Nespresso and reading up on cooking sous vide.) It was also great to spend time with loved ones and at least get to talk with those who live too far for an in person visit. But gifts aside, the best part of today was hearing that my Grandfather was released from the hospital after having to spend the last 3 nights there. While his underlying health problems are not over, the immediate concern has been addressed and he'll be much happier at home. Hope all you SabreSpacers had a good one, and condolences to those who knew folks affected by the events in Rochester.
  7. Good stuff.
  8. The boy made a rather fancy breakfast this morning (we also did our x-mas last night): started with eggs in a frame (egg cooked in a cutout of sourdough bread), then topped with duck prosciutto and truffle cheese. Also had maple sausage, blackberry yogurt, and acai juice (and coffee). So yummy.
  9. Congrats, LPF! Glad to hear both mom and baby are doing well. :)
  10. Can't believe no one posted in this thread yet today! For me: had yummy (and free) food at our dept holiday party today, and still managed to get my work done and get out early. Very much looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow morning for the first time in at least two weeks.
  11. Nicely done, Eleven.
  12. The 25 Funniest AutoCorrects of 2012 Not much on this link (yet), but here ya go: http://wgr550.com/Report-Bills-Erie-County-agree-to-10-year-lease-wi/15094323
  13. Top right corner of this page: http://www.sabrespace.com/
  14. lol "Well if Gandhi's going down, none of us are safe!"
  15. I love how he makes very salient points while mocking them with a smile. ("The Holy Spirit ain't got a pen!") :D
  16. Sorry for your loss, LPF. I hope your wife and (soon to be) new baby are healthy and 2013 brings nothing but good things to you and yours.
  17. Haha :thumbsup:
  18. chocolate truffles (homemade, of course)
  19. I'm not normally a fan of Russell Brand (didn't even know he had a tv show), but this is pretty awesome: http://youtu.be/OBA6qlHW8po
  20. Congrats!! That's too bad... I'd been meaning to ask about this as well.
  21. Sending mine tomorrow... Thanks for posting, PA.
  22. Was attempting to make sweet potato and raisin bread, but since my food processor turned the raisins into paste rather than chop them (oops), I made sweet potato bread and these: http://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/2011/11/14/oatmeal-raisin-cookie-larabars/ So an unexpected two for one recipe, lol.
  23. Congrats, LPF! I hope this is the start of better fortunes for you.
  24. Congrats CSB, and good luck, SFiNS! And echoing Drane, I'm actually pleasantly surprised how many of us are still here at least semi-regularly during the lockout. Great group of folks on this board.
  25. Saw this article and couldn't help but wonder if this is who you'd heard about: http://www.wivb.com/dpp/sports/gerbe-reveals-offseason-surgery
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