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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Ouch... hopefully you're not still feeling any ill-effects. For me, a complaint related to an otherwise good thing. We finally got the paper describing my master's research accepted for publication on 12/26, and the publisher was moving quickly on preparing proofs. Except when they sent them last Friday afternoon (with the requirement that they be returned within 48 h, wtf?), I found that the overzealous copy editor apparently has a thing against commas and decided to take several liberties with the text of our manuscript. Even worse, the figures and tables are not up to par with the original files we submitted. It took me 5 hours to fully edit and annotate that stupid proof and fix all their changes, and I'm still not confident it's going to get done correctly. Ugh.
  2. Finally got around to trying an Old Fashioned using the FLD bourbon I bought a while back, and I like this MUCH better than a Manhattan. I guess I just don't dig sweet vermouth!
  3. Lol nice, Aud. Congrats, Koomkie, and welcome back, everyone!
  4. I almost suggested him, but I doubt anyone can top Koomkie's avatar. ;)
  5. Even better... take a still from the Fu Man Drew workout video, lol.
  6. lol I dunno why the avatar is red, but it always makes me think of PBJT (which will now be in my head for the remainder of the afternoon).
  7. It's peanut butter jelly time! http://youtu.be/s8MDNFaGfT4
  8. It's about freaking time! And like d4rk, even though I want to still be mad about it (and I won't forget this anytime soon), I'm very much looking forward to the first GDT in what seems like forever. Also hoping this will bring back a lot of the posters who've been on hiatus during the lockout.
  9. (giggle) sorry I missed that! ;) Edit: I'd google it, but given the potential search results it's probably best to wait until I'm not at work, lol.
  10. It was for me...
  11. Went snowboarding for the first time of the season last night, and the conditions were great (especially for man-made snow). I'm always pleasantly surprised to find I haven't forgotten everything I learned the previous year, lol. Also got to hang out with a friend I don't see much any more, so that was good.
  12. Lol so catchy!
  13. Yikes. Good luck with that! That sucks. I'd be looking at someplace else to rent if I were you. Hope you didn't lose too much stuff (or at least have renters insurance).
  14. I'm just sayin'... food poisoning can have two different (equally unpleasant) results, and since I didn't specify my brain didn't go there right away. And OMFG, the coworker... the grunting sounds like it could either be intestinal distress or him pleasuring himself. Take some medicine or stay the hell home, you disgusting SOB.
  15. :P Someone was nice enough to clue me in on the joke. Gross! (And he could have been throwing up...) Do they have Little Shop of Horrors and Attack of the Killer Tomatoes??
  16. Wow, awesome pic!
  17. Reminded now how nice it was the last week and a half without my stinky, grunting co-worker (he's back and at it again). And I must be dense, but I still don't get the joke in the New Year's thread.
  18. :blink: :unsure:
  19. Same here... we had plans with two other couples for dinner and drinks at our favorite place, but the bf came down with some kind of food poisoning earlier in the day (he's still recovering), so we stayed in. At least we could see the Hershey fireworks from his house at midnight. Happy 2013, all.
  20. Geez... would've been nice if they'd at least done it last week so you could've had this week off! Good luck finding something else, man. :(
  21. Nice. Enjoy the movie; the time went fast for how long it was.
  22. The local ski resorts are finally opening tomorrow. Time to dust off the snowboard and hit the mountain!
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