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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Already? Didn't think I was that far behind, haha
  2. Can someone give me a heads-up when it's shot time? If I rely on my feed I'll be 3-4 min late to the party, lol.
  3. Thought it was just 2 min. each to end the period? I guess we'll see if they're back to start the 3rd.
  4. You could always do a whip-it instead, haha.
  5. Dang it, my feed is a solid 3 min. behind all of you, lol
  6. Me three... no Crown on hand, but I'll do Dewars.
  7. Phew. Cripes, somebody get Myers a Red Bull or something!
  8. That sucks. Glad you can still watch, at least. I thought it was crazy I'm considered "in market" for the Pens when Pittsburgh is 3.5 - 4 hours away.
  9. You're considered the Sabres' market in PA??
  10. Pricing above, but this might be a good pick for you if you have a smartphone -- you can access your subscription on any mobile device that has the GameCenter app, which is pretty sweet. The app itself is free and already lets you view game highlights, stats, etc... you just need the paid subscription to view live and NHL Vault games.
  11. I did for about 30 seconds after our first penalty was called yesterday, but after seeing Ott/Kaleta and Hecht/Stafford hold down the fort, it passed. Also happy to see Hodgson, Ennis, and Ott (to a lesser extent) can replace him in the faceoff circle.
  12. Nope... cancelled it over the summer since I was hardly watching and hockey seemed unlikely at that point. The Roku and digital antenna have me covered for regular tv, but for hockey I'm SOL unless I can do GCL.
  13. I don't know how long the games are available after being played (I think through the current season?), but you may actually be better off since any games that are blacked-out live will be available for viewing 48 h later.
  14. Happy birthday, Chz! Too bad RJ is still unwell. I guess tonight I gotta bite the bullet and pay for GCL if I want to watch, but after yesterday I'm ready for more hockey!
  15. I get you... Vanek on the third period makes me wonder WTF is wrong with Vanek from the second period. A little like (old) Stafford, where you see the talent but sometimes question the consistency of effort. His goal to tie the game today was very reminiscent of the game winner someone posted recently. He's sneaky fast when he wants to be.
  16. Awesome way to start the season (minus the behinning of the second period). Looking forward to much more hockey!
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