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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Wth... I get home and it's 2-0 when I turn on the tv. I look in after starting dinner, 2-2. I come back now that dinner is done, and it's 4-2. I think I need to leave the room again!
  2. I'll echo LPF... it's effin freezing, and has been since Monday. Finally cold enough to want to go snowboarding, but so cold I don't want to be outside! :(
  3. I'm awful with street names, but I'm pretty sure we just walked down Chippewa a few blocks (head right out of the Hampton entrance) until we saw a station. Edit: just re-read and saw you meant somewhere to park and get the rail. My bad.
  4. I've stayed there a few times, and it's definitely decent and very convenient to lots of places to eat and drink. Easy walk to pick up the train (tram?) to the arena, too.
  5. Lol teach me to go off memory rather than looking these things up. :oops:
  6. Yep -- Gerbe is still recovering fully from offseason back surgery (although he's been practicing with the team, I believe), and Cody is still rehabbing a busted finger from last year? Leino is a lower body or leg injury from practice the other day.
  7. That's a shame for PS3 owners... the Roku and iPad apps are also up-to-date.
  8. As always, wally: you the man!
  9. I am, but Philly is the one where I expected I'd be blacked-out between proximity and (when I had cable) Comcast's location... the others make no sense at all.
  10. Those rules are so dumb. Washington, New Jersey, and New York are all a similar distance from me as Pitt, but none of those games are blacked out. Makes no sense at all.
  11. 10 min. misconduct, not game. Penalty killing and LR's security blanket. ;)
  12. Blargh... No postgame show with GCL, boo.
  13. Man, what a finish. 2-0 start, I'll take it!
  14. Must be recent, just saw him on my feed...
  15. Forgot the neon... gotta get around to hanging it someday (cord is stupid short).
  16. Hey, it worked! Uh, thought it worked... D'oh.
  17. Haha. Hey, how'd you do that? I can get the "more reply" options but it won't even let me select a file to upload. Lol nice.
  18. Man, are all the Leafs fans still in the bathroom or something? Crazy # of empty seats around.
  19. SS shot hat trick? And I can never get pics to upload, but pretty sure it's an iPad thing.
  20. Ah now I get it... oh well, I went by Chz's post, lol. Cheers, all!
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