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Everything posted by biodork

  1. biodork

    Virus Line

  2. biodork

    Virus Line

    Yuck; I hate protein purification, lol.
  3. Well if it makes anyone feel better, the Pens just lost to the Isles (4-1).
  4. biodork

    Virus Line

    Nice. Just heard a seminar yesterday that discussed both RSV and HSV.
  5. This is the first time I've had problems, so I'm willing to say it's a fluke for now.
  6. Dammit, I jinxed myself... now the feed keeps stopping to load. Ugh.
  7. Nice. Mine is just my living room, but I've got a decent array of Sabres paraphernalia and a little goat head Sabres neon that I light for games. Very easy access to the kitchen and no one to bother me since I live alone. :)
  8. No issues here except it's a few min. behind the cable feeds. It buffered a few times but that's because my internet is slow and I was trying to do other stuff at the same time.
  9. Rayzor just said Kaleta will not be back this game. :'(
  10. Man, love Gamecenter but it sucks being so far behind... Reggie's goal just happened for me! :(
  11. No Kaleta on the bench... :(
  12. Geez, Scott even makes Rayzor look short.
  13. oof, please be okay, Patty... we need you on the PK
  14. Overpriced, but yeah their sauces are pretty good (huge selection, too).
  15. Sorry didn't get a chance to check the thread earlier, but LBC definitely doesn't have CI, but Arooga's may very well. And Fox and Hound replaced Damon's but almost positive they have CI. The BWW is a new location so I haven't been there yet, but they should have it as well. lol
  16. I know Damon's has CI, and if you can find an Arooga's they probably have CI as well.
  17. Trying to change up the mojo tonight. They've lost all three games I didn't watch from the beginning, so I'm in front of the tv now and broke out the goat head Satan jersey. Let's go, Buffalo!!
  18. Uh not really, but yeah the Sabres stunk tonight.
  19. This game had definite letdown potential (too many days off, "bad" opponent, and two wins having them thinking they're better than they are), but it's no less disappointing when they blow chunks. Hopefully RJ is well enough to call the game tomorrow (need some good mojo) and the guys will pull their heads out of their ###### on the way home.
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