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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Fraggle Rock (thanks, Braedon!).
  2. lol most of my friends have never heard of Fraggle Rack (shame), so it always makes me happy when someone else recognizes it. :)
  3. Completely unrelated to this thread topic at hand: please tell me your new avatar is the trash heap from Fraggle Rock?
  4. Dammit; the Sabres finally played a good game (and won), and I missed it! At least it was for something good (snowboarding). Having the kind of week where I can't make a dent in my already overwhelming workload because people won't leave me the F alone for a day! Tired of wasting my time helping everyone else and just falling further behind on my own projects. I've been in for 8-10 hours each of the last three Saturdays and at least a few hours two of the last three Sundays just to keep my head above water. It's times like this that I wish I weren't salaried...
  5. Every time RJ says Benoit I think he's talking about the metal balls.
  6. Wow, that's some mustache.
  7. Agreed on Myers. Really hope Van is still in for the second.
  8. Blargh.... first game I've had time to watch in a week, and this is no fun. Come on, intermission!
  9. No doubt. Glad Foligno tried to respond.
  10. Still yummy.
  11. With Vin Diesel AND The Rock, haha... guess they figured they needed to up the eye candy factor for the 6th.
  12. Dammit, forgot I'm a few min. behind. :( Edit: And Ennis, woohoo!
  13. Nice - thanks, plenz! Sounds delicious.
  14. Paging weave to the eating/drinking thread... (Sounds amazing, plenz, but I don't own a smoker.) A day late, but the bf took charge of the food and drink for the game yesterday, and he definitely earned a gold star: - olives, 3 kinds of cheese (Welsh cheddar, aged gouda, and something else), crackers, dates, pear, and chips/dip for appetizers - mini burgers on fancy rolls for the meal - baklava from a Lebanese bakery for dessert - Chimay (for him) and Lindeman's Pomme Kriek (for me) to drink So good, I didn't even miss the wings.
  15. Gamecenter gives you the option to do either... It's kind of like extended highlights (still fairly short). For some reason I kept getting a playback error and had to watch just highlights for the last 2 goals... Not sure if that was an issue with my Roku or the game feed itself. Wish I'd been able to watch the whole thing!
  16. Wow. I missed the whole game since I worked late (boo), but just watched the condensed game and all I can say is: Miller, Hodgson, and Vanek :worthy: :worthy: :worthy:
  17. So sorry for your loss, Doohickie... I know all too well how much that hurts. :(
  18. lol well done.
  19. Yikes... water dripping from the breaker box sounds like bad news. Hopefully you're still renting and it's the landlord's problem.
  20. Freaking bipolar winter goes from temps in the teens for a solid week to high 50s with thunderstorms last night. Ruined all the awesome snow and makes me not want to go boarding. :( Working way too many hours has left me behind on all the threads here, and the Sabres aren't very much fun to watch right now.
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