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Everything posted by biodork

  1. So sorry to hear, NS... most of us have been there, and it never gets any easier. Glad to hear he did not suffer, and I hope in due time the memories of his life replace those of his passing.
  2. And waste my whiskey?! Lol Finally got tired of waiting and managed to retrieve enough water between the coffeemaker and filter pitcher. They'd better be done with this nonsense by the time I need to shower tomorrow morning!
  3. ARGH my stupid water company apparently decided to start flushing the pipelines in my area around midnight, even though their website says 7am-3:30pm. I have NO water and would really like to brush my teeth, etc so I can go to bed. Bastards! On top of that, my elderly neighbor has been sick for at least a week now, and since our bedrooms are at the same end of the duplex and the construction is cheap, I've been hearing her hacking up a lung all night. I can't be mad because I know she can't help it, but it leaves me with the incredibly morbid feeling that I'm listening to her die in slow-motion. :(
  4. 2 and 3 here (but mostly 2) with a little bit of 4 thrown in during big games.
  5. Yikes... sending thoughts and prayers both your ways. My complaint about cell service now feels very petty.
  6. Same here; I just saw Oblivion last weekend, but from here on out there's pretty much a new one every week I want to see, so I'll probably have to start prioritizing by which will be out of theaters soonest, haha.
  7. Oh yikes, that sucks. No, thankfully we had decent theater companions! Sounds like you've got an excuse to go see it again. ;)
  8. Nice jerseys! Also awesome: the new Star Trek movie. I actually went back and re-watched some of the originals after we came home from the theater yesterday afternoon. Good stuff.
  9. Lol wow, that's an impressive beard as well. Jo is either a great sport or a fan of (male) facial hair. ;)
  10. :w00t: F'n Fantastic. (I'm assuming this is pre-trim?)
  11. Congrats!! And have fun and happy belated b-day, Liger... sounds like you found a good one the other week, if she's already willing to be your DD for the night. ;)
  12. ! How did I miss that?! Sucks that it requires Flash (won't work on the iPad, I don't think anyhow), but I had no idea this was an option. Thanks, Swamp! Edit: nevermind -- saw there's an iPad app to run this as well. Sweet! Yeah, I've always told non-scientist friends that culture medium is just Kool-Aid for cells.
  13. Haha -- that's exactly what I'm doing right now. Good memory! Same here. Seems like for the playoffs pretty much every game is on a national channel, which stinks for people like you and I who paid for GCL and don't have cable. I wish the NHL offered some kind of separate playoff package where you could still stream games that are televised nationally, but I suspect that's not going to happen because of NBC rather than the NHL. Shame. You've got a lot on your plate, so you're forgiven. ;) Tastes great; lower serum! (I think only CV will get that one.)
  14. Assuming shrader meant to say "taste", that would be a great move were this not a communal regeant that needs to remain sterile. Next time, though. ;)
  15. The highlight of my interaction with the coworker yesterday, after him digging through the lab fridge to find something for an experiment: him: (holding up a bottle) Is this the OptiMEM? It looks much redder than usual. me: Does it say OptiMEM on the label? him: (looks at label) No. me: Then it's not OptiMEM. (And this jacka$$ is going to get a Master's degree because people are too effing nice around here.)
  16. Agreed, and I mostly do the same thing. I will never understand why the annual review process consists primarily of me reviewing myself. I already know how I think I'm doing; I'd much rather know what my boss thinks. THIS. And the bolded. Although it seems like every time I do actually check GCL, the games are on NBCSN, CBS, etc. so I can't watch anyhow. I just can't bring myself to care enough to watch two days later when they're available. And WTF is with your foot?! It looks like the x-ray machine was on LSD.
  17. Sorry to hear, man. My condolences to you. And here, this happened this morning: http://www.pennlive...._in_susque.html I normally take that highway in to work, but with the closures and resulting traffic, my 25-minute commute took 1.5 hours. They expect the closures to continue through the weekend as they make repairs and test for structural damage to the overpass. Ugh. Edit: even worse than they thought: http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2013/05/harrisburg_bridges_shut_throug.html
  18. We had brunch at our favorite joint since they were doing specials for Cinco de Mayo. Appetizer tapas plate had pork tenderloin enchiladas, radish, and ceviche red snapper. The guys both had their featured entree (chile rellenos), which was a poblano pepper stuffed with beef, almonds, manchego cheese, and cream cheese with a poached egg and rice/beans on the side. My friend had crisped pork belly, and I was the token gringo with something off their regular menu (smoked salmon omelet, bagel with cream cheese, and roasted potatoes). Lychee and pomegranate mimosas all around. Super tasty. Now dinner (and lunch for the week) is a mediterranean quinoa salad.
  19. I'm not opposed to fewer games, but they crammed way too many in too few weeks this year, IMO. I dislike the idea that the schedule will have an impact on the standings, and lots of teams had brutal schedules and tired players at times this year, which leads to less entertaining and/or lopsided games.
  20. Great news, GCoE and Eleven! I managed to cut out of work early on a similarly beautiful day so I could cut the grass and then admire the backyard while enjoying an adult beverage on the porch. And I don't have to work tomorrow like I originally thought. Awesome.
  21. Bonus complaint: I know a lot of you enjoy and/or participate in horse racing, and I know it isn't all bad and some people legitimately care about the animals, but it always makes me think of tragedies like Eight Belles and this one: http://youtu.be/fF1WlPQQy0w
  22. Great idea! Unfortunately we didn't end up having time to stop. :( Curse that boy's excessive work load. For this week: high school kids working at the grocery store. It's moderately annoying when they can't even be bothered to pause their inane conversation to at least acknowledge your presence, but the fact that they clearly don't give a sh!t when bagging your groceries is maddening. If I bring an insulated grocery bag, maybe you should put the dairy products in that one instead of the non-insulated bags. And no, soft fruits should NOT go on the bottom beneath whatever other heavy items you've haphazardly thrown on top. :wallbash:
  23. This is awesome: https://www.children.org/Articles/Article/11076?lang=en-US&ART2=2
  24. Woohoo! As much as it sucks to get cut twice in a short period of time, the quickness with which you've found a new gig in each case definitely shows it's not you. Here's hoping you can move up the pay scale before long. :beer:
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