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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Well now; this just got interesting.
  2. Apple smoked chicken, cilantro lime rice, and sauteed zucchini with tomatoes. Good stuff.
  3. That's awesome, PA -- sounds like you're doing it right and making changes you can maintain over the long haul. Good luck! Very nice!
  4. This really is awesome: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/06/07/189544736/why-being-stuck-on-a-tarmac-with-the-philly-orchestra-rocks?utm "It happened to passengers on a flight from Beijing to Macau, this week. They had been sitting on the tarmac for three hours when a quartet of musicians from the Philadelphia Orchestra pulled out their instruments and provided what they called on YouTube a "pop up" performance."
  5. Lol what's funny is I'd seen that comic a long time ago, and I wasn't sure if you were being facetious about the formula. Apparently not!
  6. Like this very official source? ;) http://xkcd.com/314/
  7. Because (in my case) he's not afraid of asking; he's afraid of getting married! Boys are silly. So confused by how you worded that, lol.
  8. That's great news; congrats to her!
  9. I haven't gotten the "official" word from HR yet, but my boss told me on Wed. that our department approved a 10% raise for me, effective July 1. :D After the nonsense at my annual review I really wasn't expecting anything, so I'm pretty floored that he actually pushed to get this done.
  10. No idea. But he knows where I stand on things, and I've decided he's worth waiting for (at least a little while longer).
  11. Dunno about weave, but I'm an exception to that rule. My bf and I met at 36 and 27, respectively, and 5 1/2 years later we're still "just" dating for reasons that sound very similar to weave's.
  12. Holy crap, that sounds familiar.
  13. Thought I read June somewhere, but maybe it was in reference to the whiskey GCoE mentioned? In either case, I'm sure you fine gentlemen will have a chance to try it before I do.
  14. Aha. Well, I look forward to reading both of your thoughts on it later this month! :)
  15. Just curious -- what is it about this one that has both of you anxious to try it? I thought the general consensus was FLD's bourbon was underaged... is it something different about the whiskey style, or just the early reviews?
  16. And congrats to you as well, good sir! Glad you found a keeper after the ex-wife fiasco.
  17. Hope it's nothing too serious. My stepmom went to the ER last Sat. and found out she had a kidney stone. They sent her home with some Percocet and she finally had an appt with a urologist yesterday. His $40 professional opinion is that it's too small for surgery and she should just keep taking Percocet until it passes on its own. Yes, because everyone can burn a week or two of vacation while doped-up and waiting for a kidney stone to move itself. Jackass. As for myself: I went to the dentist Mon. afternoon for what I'd expected to be a 30-45 min. appt to re-cement a loose crown. That turned into a 3 1/2 hour appt where first the crown wouldn't come off, then it did, but in such a fashion that it can't be re-used, and now I've got another temporary with the prospect of either another crown in a few months or getting the tooth pulled and having a tooth implant if it looks like there's decay. Now my FSA is pretty much empty with 7 months to go in the year. On the plus side, my tin temporary crown is pretty pimp. Any suggestions on my new rapper alias? So far the running favorite is Lil' Hooch.
  18. Awesome, indeed... a million congrats to you, Eleven! Glad you found one worth asking and she gave the right answer. :)
  19. Lol oh wow... Just logged into SS for the first time today and found an entire thread for me! Thanks for all the b-day wishes, guys. :)
  20. It was pretty good (especially over the rice), but I won't make any claims about authenticity since I've only ever had it from Chipotle. ;) This is the rice recipe, but there are links in the text to barbacoa beef and pork: http://www.skinnytaste.com/2011/04/fiesta-lime-rice.html Tonight's dinner for me was peanut butter frozen yogurt after a 3.5 hr dentist appt had me not wanting to chew anything, lol.
  21. Fiesta lime rice with barbacoa beef (recipes compliments of skinnytaste.com)... so very tasty.
  22. This is incredibly nerdy, but seriously awesome: http://io9.com/the-first-images-of-molecules-breaking-and-reforming-ch-510665988
  23. Good to hear! I'm kind of jealous, actually... I've been on balloon rides in AZ before (definitely awesome), but I still haven't been to Letchworth and it looks beautiful.
  24. Finally warm (a little too warm) here this weekend, and for the first time in a long while, I don't have to work either day. Just this week I successfully finished a very long-term experiment to generate a resource we'll use for all sorts of things down the line, after much troubleshooting and failure. Pretty excited about it. And after switching to T-mobile the other week, no regrets with the service, phone bill will be cheaper, and my new phone (HTC One S) is pretty sweet. As a bonus, without intending to I ended up switching at the perfect time to avoid a partial month billing from Sprint, which makes life easier. Now I'm just waiting with anticipation until later this evening when my dad gets to open his b-day / Father's day gift from my brother and I. We got him a gift certificate for two to take a hot air balloon ride over Letchworth State Park. :) Edit: Almost forgot one of the best things; the stupid and stinky co-worker finished experiments this past week, so his time in the lab will be greatly reduced while he writes from home. Hallelujah.
  25. One of my bf's cats is similar (slightly crossed blue eyes), but not nearly as handsome. He looks like a great cat.
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