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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Props to you as well... that's pretty amazing!
  2. My boss agreed to take on both a college undergrad and a high school student for a few weeks this summer, and both started last week. The undergrad has some prior experience and he'd planned a project for her, so she's pretty self-sufficient. The high school student was a last-minute thing, and it's become clear that he had no idea what to do with her. She's really smart and enthusiastic about what we do, but because of her inexperience she's mostly just observing and shadowing me. And while I'm happy to explain what I'm working on and give her advice about career development stuff, it's really difficult to get my own work done when she's around. Thankfully she's only there from 9-2, but considering I would normally go in around 10-10:30, I feel like I need to go in earlier so she isn't completely on her own. I wish my boss would either take responsibility for her or formally ask me to do it instead of just completely dropping the ball.
  3. Props to you, Maze -- sounds like you've earned that vacation!
  4. Lol love it. I've heard of the pre-nap caffeine trick before but never tried it. I also read a trick someone used for getting out of bed was to start looking at a news feed since curiosity will get your brain going, but I think I'd probably get distracted and start checking my email, haha.
  5. That last sentence gets at the biggest roadblock for me: motivation. On the nights I do get motivated and force myself to work out for 30-45 minutes (I have a couple of cardio kickboxing dvds that I like), I not only feel better about myself afterwards, I'm also surprised how much time I still have left in the evening to do other stuff around the house. It's much easier if I plan ahead and have a snack late in the day at work so I'm not hungry when I get home, but I also struggle with the perceived hassle and waste of needing to get a shower after working out and again the next morning. I really wish I could be a morning person and exercise before going in to work so it'd be harder to skip, but I'm a chronically under-rested night owl who hates the alarm clock. :(
  6. Man, you folks are a healthy/active bunch! I'm more sedentary than I would like, and I miss being in better shape. I was never athletic in high school, but during my first 2 years in college I made a friend at the office where I worked during the week, and she and I joined a gym together. That was great, because we got out of work at the same time and took turns convincing each other to go exercise when motivation was low. We went 5 days a week for a solid year, but when I moved away to finish school I fell out of that routine and never got it back. Unfortunately our work schedules are now completely different (and my hours aren't always predictable) so we can't go together anymore. Every now and again I try to start up an exercise routine, but I haven't been very successful at making the habit stick more than 2-3 weeks. I'd much rather find an activity I enjoy that burns calories, and I love snowboarding but once a week during the winter months is hardly sufficient, lol. I do take the stairs as much as possible at work (5th floor), and get some exercise doing yardwork in the warmer months. I really need to find a way to build regular workouts into my schedule, though.
  7. Me, too -- well done!
  8. Whoops, posted mine in the newer ATN thread, but good news for Phoenix fans.
  9. Liger beat me to it, but here's another link on the Glendale deal: http://www.azcentral.com/community/glendale/articles/20130702city-council-oks-multimillion-dollar-deal-keep-team-glendale.html?nclick_check=1 Hopefully with a little more stability they can work on building up the fan base to make that franchise profitable.
  10. I knew I'd be working a little later tonight, but I was aiming to get out by 7:30 or 8pm, and still here trying to wrap things up. Really wish I'd thought to pack some dinner. :/
  11. OUCH -- you are badass, my friend. Hope that heals without too much trouble.
  12. haha WAY before my time, but funny. Can't believe he got fired for that!
  13. lol what was that? Home inspection!! You're probably better off now than when I bought in 2006, but make sure your home inspector is thorough, and walk through with them. If you have any reservations, either get the seller to address them or don't make an offer. You don't want to get into the place and have any surprises in the first year or so.
  14. Not sure if this is where it started originally, but this should help refresh your memory: Eklund rating system
  15. Our IT people aren't very good, and they're generally disinclined to involve themselves when the machine isn't on lease from the University (my boss tends to be a do-it-yourselfer). So I haven't asked for their help, for those reasons and because the malware removal does the trick for at least a few days. It's better now that I know to just close programs and run the malware porgram as soon as the network goes wonky, but still annoying.
  16. There's some kind of registry hijack bug that keeps finding its way back onto my work computer. The stupid thing boogers up all my network connections and makes the whole thing slow to the point where all I can do is a hard reboot, and somehow it comes back about every week or two after removing with a malware removal program. So aggravating. And yet another round of potentially expensive car repairs has me thinking it might be time to trade it in. That might not seem like a bad thing, but I actually really like my car ('02 Camry). I've been diligent with maintenance, and planned to take it over 200,000 miles and enjoy owning it free and clear for a while longer. I really don't want a car payment and the higher insurance costs that go with a newer vehicle, but the surprise repairs have gotten more frequent and more costly in recent months, and I'm not sure I want to mess with it any more. Decisions, decisions...
  17. That's great! For someone who keeps finding himself job-hunting these days, you sure are in high demand! :P Hope it works out for you.
  18. lol I think I like them because I don't like beer!
  19. Day-um
  20. Indeed, lol. Fans booing Bettman quite vociferously, but classy enough to cheer Kane and the Cup at least.
  21. Wow. Just awesome. I'm sure Shaw is relieved there won't be a game 7... dude's face is gonna be black and blue tomorrow.
  22. Holy crap, this changed quickly. Boston feeling like Toronto right now...
  23. lol I'd mentally substituted a different synonym for the #####, but that works, too. ;)
  24. Any particular brands you favor? I like Angry Orchard better than the others I've tried; Woodchuck is definitely too sweet. lol perhaps, but (thankfully) he's been largely away from the lab the last few weeks, and should be gone for good after July 31st. :D
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