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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Chains seems like they'd really hurt, but I suppose ropes can be unforgiving, too! Impressive as always!
  2. Beat me to it, but yep... Arya said the same thing to Ned when he'd told her she'd be a Noble Lady with a husband and children ("that's not me"). I wouldn't have put those two scenes together had I not watched the recap... I thought she was taking the blame for the wolf leaving (like "it's not you, it's me") since she'd changed so much. That scene change between Jorah and Arya with Hot Pie... :sick: Did anyone else get the impression that Little Finger knew and was going to tell Jon about his real parents (before Jon cut him off)?
  3. Absolutely, lol.
  4. I've chewed Trident stick gum pretty much every day since high school because I hate the feeling of food in my teeth, residual coffee flavor, etc. They just changed their packaging, and I really didn't think I could get so upset about gum packaging, but I hate it. The new package has 14 taller pieces of gum instead of 18 shorter sticks, so not only do I get way fewer pieces for the same price, but those pieces are also bigger than they need to be. BOOOO.
  5. My post-LASIK eyes thank you, good sir. :thumbsup:
  6. More yesterday than today. ;) It's a lot easier to read for someone like me, but I'm not sure how I feel about the ginormous new font size on everything. But good to know about the Community Discussion link... I was used to one that went straight to the Aud Club (I think?), but this works!
  7. Okay glad I'm not the only one who didn't care for it, lol. Is the shortcut to the Aud Club going to come back (the one on the right side under the list of recent threads)?
  8. I don't think this is guaranteed to happen, though; Viserys was full-blooded Targaryen and he wasn't immune to being burned. (After Drogo kills him, Daenaerys says "He was no dragon... fire cannot kill a dragon.") I'm curious to see if Gendry pops back into the story at some point. He's half Baratheon, but given the Baratheon / Targaryen history, not sure Dany would even consider it. Plus he couldn't handle her, LOL.
  9. Freaking inconsistent workload... last week (and the one before) I was bored out of my skull, and this week I've put in 3 consecutive 12+ hour days. I'm still at work now trying to finish editing a report that my junior coworker drafted and wishing very much that I'd done it myself to start with instead of letting him have the first crack at it. :(
  10. Hopefully no issues, but either way a good home inspector is worth their weight in gold; you can learn a lot about what to look for in your home systems, maintenance, future potential repair / replacement costs, etc. Soak up as much information from them as you can!
  11. Congrats, man! Buying in a crazy market is no picnic, but hopefully all is smooth sailing with no surprises from here on out. Word of advice, though: pay attention during the home inspection and try not to let yourself be blinded by the things you love about the house. It's really easy to overlook things in your excitement and notice them later!
  12. :o Thank God it wasn't any longer before she had surgery... I'm always shocked at how quickly they'll send people home from something that major. Here's hoping it's all downhill for her from here. The saga with my mom continues... my brother asked me to try and intervene after another blow-out over the weekend. I put together a very carefully worded email expressing concern about their situation and trying to offer impartial suggestions without assigning blame and while making it clear that we both care very much about her. Today she replied with another diatribe about how we and the universe at large have aggreived her while again refusing to take any responsibility for her part in the situation (which is probably 75-80% of it). If she weren't living with my brother with no means to move (and seemingly no interest in trying to change that, in spite of how unhappy they both are), I'd wash my hands of her for my own mental health until she finally accepts that she needs counseling, and lots of it. :wacko: :(
  13. Such mixed feelings on Spider-Man... it looks really good, but I'm annoyed that they've rebooted that franchise 3 times in such a (relatively) short period. Still haven't seen the ones with Andy Garfield, and still haven't forgiven Sam Raimi for Spider-Man 3. :sick:
  14. Gorgeous shot, LTS!
  15. Congrats and good luck with round 2!!
  16. ???? Oof... I don't know how you ride in that kind of weather! Couldn't see much at the top last Sat. Sunday's weather was a lot better (and warmer!)
  17. No more than I can imagine riding 40 miles on a bike! ;)
  18. Curse the Complaint Thread always closing on Eastern time! But this is partially awesome: Jo: So thankful to hear your sister does not have cancer. She and your family will get through this, and SabreSpace is always here when you need us. iTlSn: The eulogy to your mom was beautiful. Let the memory of her life and the image of Elaine and Fred re-united for eternity carry you through the next several weeks/months, and know that all of SabreSpace is here for you as well. I love you guys.
  19. I've turned into a weekend warrior, and last weekend was definitely the most I've ever hiked in back-to-back days; Sat. was 7.2 miles with about 2400 ft in elevation gain, and Sunday was 11.2 miles with about 3600 ft in elevation gain. By Sunday evening my calves were killing me (oh, to have Ink's super powers!), so definitely taking it easier this week to recover a bit, lol.
  20. Good man. Can confirm, and also: good man. :cry: This was my dad's experience as well, and the gist of the book he wrote. So many doctors refuse to admit that maybe they don't know the answer and should get another opinion rather than insist they've figured things out and their advice is solid. :cry: :cry:
  21. I expected to like it, but for me it was the musical version of Shame; excellent acting, but not a movie I enjoyed watching or would watch again. The ending was unsatisfying in both cases, too.
  22. The last two evenings I've watched the cleaning lady at work take the broken-down cardboard boxes in the hallway and put them into plastic bags for the trash. There's a recycling dumpster RIGHT NEXT TO the regular trash dumpster outside! >:(
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