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Everything posted by biodork

  1. I thought Labatt was a dude? :unsure:
  2. lol Way more awesome: PA's Billy Joel / Sabres tribute song. Outstanding stuff.
  3. The Girgensons thread won't die.
  4. Never seen / heard of those... I'll have to check it out. Thanks!
  5. I had a massage yesterday (boo-hoo, I know), and although my back feels better, my neck and shoulders are super sore where she couldn't get all the knots out. Ouch. And for some reason I've lost the ability to sleep through the night this past week, so I'm beat. Gotta find some Tylenol PM or something.
  6. Ugh -- damn neighbor is still coughing and narrating every damn thing in her overly loud voice. Now it sounds like she has GI problems, too. :sick:
  7. Good to see you again, nfreeman! It's Friday, Friday, and it's supposed to be under 90 degrees tomorrow, thank God.
  8. lol I wouldn't be surprised if he asked; he's generally oblivious to the reality of his incompetence and our general dislike of him. He wanted me to read his thesis, but I (gently) suggested it was his committee's job to do that and he dropped it. I'd be amazed if he even gets an interview in our line of work, to be honest... the job market is tough enough as it is, and people will see he went to grad school for 4 years and left with a Master's and no publications and probably figure out he's not exactly a prime candidate before even getting to letters of recommendation.
  9. The moronic, stinky, and worthless grad student is officially going to get his Master's degree. While I realize they couldn't easily force him out at this point if he'd put in at least some effort to write a thesis, the fact remains that the effort was minimal and he is not even remotely competent in our field of study. Our summer undergrad student has displayed better technique and greater comprehension than this fool, and I find it offensive that he's going to have the same degree as I do because he managed to stick around for 4 years and people are too f*cking nice. I'm going to get stuck participating in a congratulatory lunch with him at some point, too, the idea of which makes me want to throw up (or punch someone, or both).
  10. If you have a Roku I think you can get it via their Roku Newscaster channel (free): http://www.rokuguide...roku-newscaster It was pretty cool to be able to watch the Al Jazeera coverage during the protests in Egypt a while back.
  11. Not Constantinople? ;)
  12. 2013 Honda Fit Sport (automatic transmission). I wasn't sure about it at first because it felt like a bit of a downgrade from my '02 Camry, but now that I've had it about 2 weeks, it's grown on me. The engine isn't super powerful so initial acceleration takes a while, but once it's at highway speed, it's surprisingly quick and fun to drive. It also has an absurd (in a good way) amount of leg room and cargo space for a subcompact car. My only concern at this point is how it's going to do in the snow, since it's so much lighter weight.
  13. Nice! Oh, and I thought of another one: my new car is actually getting even better fuel economy than advertised! I'd expected it to be close to my previous car since that averaged 30 mpg and this was rated 28/33, but I averaged 33 mpg for the first tank of gas and am at 36 mpg now halfway through the second. Suh-weet.
  14. Really? No one last week, or yet today? I've got one: it's below 80 degrees (during the day) here for the first time in probably two weeks. Not much, but I'll take it.
  15. Ha - my a$$, it wasn't about the money. He may have been telling the truth about missing his family, but I doubt he leaves that money on the table if the KHL weren't willing to make it worthwhile.
  16. Yeah, ours has done that already in the past (reimbursement for taking certain fitness classes, free screenings, etc), but this is the first they've made a mandatory and very expensive change. Not cool at all.
  17. lol I saw that and thought, holy crap, is J.P. still playing??
  18. Just found this nugget in our work e-newsletter: 'Take Care of Your Health' initiative announced ahead of open enrollment That's F'd up. Edit: And their FAQ estimates one of the 3 "simple" steps (the wellness profile) should take 20-30 minutes to complete. Are you kidding me?? BS.
  19. lol there is that, too.
  20. Yeah, the tickling sensation as the solution trickles down your ear canal is the worst. I try and lay on my side and watch TV so I'm not craning my neck and can be distracted from the tingling. You might not need a doctor, though -- usually after a few days of the drops it'll either fall out (eew) or be "dissolved" by the solution.
  21. Oof... best of luck getting that resolved quickly and with minimal damage. I've had the ear wax thing, too, and it sucks. Must be something about the shape of my ear canal because it's always my right ear. The OTC drops do work, but it takes a few days and it feels awful sitting there letting the stuff trickle into your ear and foam for a few minutes. I think the one I've used recently is from Similisan, but there are other brands, too.
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