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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Haha. I wish it'd shrink my workload; instead, only my motivation. :( I'm the only one here on a beautiful day with tons of work to be done at home, and yet I can't leave before about 7:45pm due to a time-course experiment. Ugh.
  2. 2 ml tubes that actually only hold about 1.8 ml. :wallbash:
  3. If I'd been letting the kitten in my room to this point I'd just put him in there with his box (I normally keep my room closed to the dog anyhow because she sheds like a mofo), but I don't trust him in there alone after seeing him with some of the rest of my house. He's been hiding when other people come over but his default is to hide under the bed in the spare bedroom. And this weekend is just a trial run for December (if I keep the kitten), when I'll be watching their dog for a week (ahhh!) when they go on vacation because my stepmom's delinquent brother is an irresponsible mooch and they won't board her. I was already stressed out just thinking about the dog being here for a week, but I can't really say no because they watched my dog for me multiple times over the years. There will be drinking this weekend.
  4. My Dad and stepmom are coming to visit this weekend and help repair my fence (it was damaged last fall during Sandy), and I have no idea what's going to happen when Rex the kitten meets Willow, their very playful laborador / retriever mix who likes to chase their cats at home. I've already had to kitten-proof my place, and now I need to relocate all the litter boxes, cat toys, dishes, etc. before the dog gets here and hope Rex doesn't get confused and the two of them don't destroy things running around. I haven't let him into my room, and his "safe room" is the spare bedroom, which will be occupied by them. Not looking forward to this at all... I really wish my dad would just come up by himself, since my stepmom will just sit in the house and watch movies at a ridiculously unnecessary decibel level while we work and the dog is going to cause problems with the kitten. :(
  5. biodork


    Somebody's gotta fight when Kaleta's neck flares up again. :( All kidding aside, I mostly agree... I think Scott was really brought it mostly to address the fans' complaints about team softness (although maybe to appease Miller as well).
  6. biodork


    I think this one is my favorite: http://www.hockeyfights.com/fights/117349
  7. biodork


    I might be in the minority, but I'd prefer to keep Kaleta on our team. He does need to be careful and pick his spots (like Aud said) since Shanny has him under the microscope, but he's invaluable on the PK and one of the few players you can count on every night to play hard. When he's doing it right, he does a great job of drawing penalities and taking the other team off their game. I like him much better on the Sabres than I would on any opponent's team!
  8. Wow. That's pretty awesome.
  9. I love the concept of reducing the beer down to its flavors and using those to complement another drink. I enjoy tasting different beers more than consuming entire glasses, so this seems like a fun way to experiment.
  10. This is an interesting idea -- anyone here tried it? (Paging weave to the beer thread.) http://gizmodo.com/turn-your-favorite-beer-into-your-favorite-cocktail-1264419266
  11. lol your friend's party sounds like a better time! Except maybe the beer selection, but BBQ and dirtbikes sounds like a fair trade-off. ;)
  12. After a few days of summer-like heat and humidity, it's back to highs in the 70s for the weekend with sunshine. Awesome.
  13. Oktoberfest craft beer event in Harrisburg on 10/5 for anyone interested: http://www.hersheyharrisburgbeer.com/events/
  14. That sounds like my friend (she had the foot numbness as well). She's still hoping to prevent a recurrance with PT and avoid surgery. Thanks. :) But why Jhonas? Does he look like a honey badger? Lol
  15. Finally got a chance to listen... hats off to PA, Swamp, and any other contributors. Good stuff.
  16. Only tested in primates so far, but this is pretty awesome: http://www.scienceda...30911141746.htm
  17. Yikes, man... I have a friend who had this recently after years of back problems, and she literally just dropped to the floor crying when it started. It took a couple of Percocets before she was even able to move from the kitchen floor to the couch and later get to the ER. Hopefully you can find some relief!
  18. Yeah, I haven't tried doing anything like that at the same time but I'm guessing I'd have the same problem. As long as I can browse this forum and check email during games, I'm a happy camper. :) That does remind me of the only thing about GCL that I dislike: there's a pretty noticeable delay on the feed compared to regular cable and satellite. It's been close to 2 full minutes sometimes between when I've seen people here mention a goal and actually seen it on the feed, which makes it tough to participate in the GDTs.
  19. I called the local Paws shelter, but they're full and not taking any more rescues for now. The local Humane Society said they're over capacity but would still take him, but between their space issues and his eye problem I'm worried he'd get euthanized before someone adopted him. :( Might be an option after it's cleared up, though.
  20. Thanks. :) I don't know what I've gotten myself into, but he's so sweet that letting him fend for himself outside is not an option.
  21. That was my primary concern when switching, but I've been pleasantly surprised that my basic home internet from CLEAR (up to 3 Mbps I think) has been sufficient. I should add that I live alone so the bandwidth isn't being shared by anyone else, but I often browse the internet from my iPad while streaming games and haven't noticed any problems.
  22. About a month ago, this little emaciated kitten shows up at my boyfriend's property. He's so incredibly friendly that there's no way he's feral, so it seems like some jerkoff decided they didn't want him and put him outside. We've been feeding him and he's put on a little weight, but with the bf having 3 adult indoor/outdoor cats already, there's no way we could bring him inside because the others are pretty territorial. (They had a tenuous truce when all 4 were outside, but mostly because the little guy hides when the others are out.) I put an ad for him on our local pet classifieds with pics, but after about 2 weeks with no takers, I figured maybe if I took him to the vet for an initial check-up to make sure he's healthy we'd get more interest. Long story short, $260 at the vet and $120 at Petsmart later, he's living at my house and getting eye drops and oral antibiotics multiple times per day. My brother has been awesome and is helping with the expenses, but the kitten still needs a follow-up at the vet Saturday, and eventually all his shots, ear mite treatment, and to be neutered. At this point I'm not sure it'll be any easier to re-home him without doing some of those things, nor am I sure I want to give him up (even though I probably should). But who could say no to this face?
  23. Agree 100% with Swamp... last year was my first time using it (mostly through the Roku box, but can work on the iPad and through NHL.com as well), and it's worth every penny. Early renewal is $24.99/month for 6 months, which is pretty awesome.
  24. Congrats, man! It's a lot of work, but it's nice knowing it's yours. :thumbsup:
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