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Everything posted by biodork

  1. I'd taken this before, but the final map didn't display correctly using a mobile browser. After re-taking it on a desktop, my cities were New York, Yonkers (?), and Philadelphia (gasp!). Not too far off, considering I grew up in Bath, NY and later moved to south central PA.
  2. And almost every episode ends in cliffhanger fashion! I can't imagine the torture of having to watch in "real-time" weeks apart. I'm hooked.
  3. Breaking Bad. I know I'm seriously late to the party on that one, but I've watched the entire first season over the last 2 days with my mom and am already planning a binge viewing for this weekend since I now own dvds and/or digital copies of seasons 2-6. So good.
  4. Could be. I think my mom said he has a horse ranch, so that's another possibility for tick exposure. Glad they've found a diagnosis and he's responding to treatment, though!
  5. Phoenix Coyotes captain Doan has Rocky Mountain fever http://msn.foxsports.com/arizona/story/coyotes-captain-doan-has-rocky-mountain-fever-122013
  6. THIS. Drives me insane! It's so bad here it even turns up in print newsletters. "Needs washing" might be okay, and "needs to be washed" is fine, but "needs washed"... WTF?
  7. Doan still out with mystery illness, but getting better: http://www.nhl.com/ice/news.htm?id=696097
  8. Finally have someone interested in the kitten who wants to come see him tomorrow. Hopefully the weather cooperates (supposed to snow). Not looking forward to letting him go, but it needs to happen and would greatly simplify travel arrangements next week. Fingers crossed...
  9. Ohio police chief writes an open letter to Kanye West (copied from Facebook)... hilarious And the Rob Ray interview-bomb is definitely awesome.
  10. This guy is definitely awesome: The Tutu Project
  11. I love Muenster cheese. Grossly under-utilized in sandwich-making, IMO.
  12. Very nice... love me some ceviche. Just saw this recipe today, too, so very apropos. Welcome to the board!
  13. Haha I'm pretty well supplied on ice cream, mashed potatoes, applesauce, etc. I used the extraction as an excuse to buy 2 DQ Blizzards Wed. night and just combined them in a container in my freezer. ;) :thumbsup:
  14. Took one hydrocodone yesterday as a precaution after getting home from surgery, and after that wore off was pleasantly surprised to find I didn't need any more. Taking ibuprofin to help keep the swelling down, but glad to be off the stronger stuff.
  15. I thought Terrapin was in MD? I must be thinking of their sports teams. White Chocolate Moo Hoo sounds awful, lol, but I'll take your word for it!
  16. The bf is currently stuck waiting out this winter storm at his parents' place in Lynchburg, VA (with 3 cats). The original plan got him to OKC late today or tomorrow, but with bad driving conditions expected he may not get there until Sat or Sunday. Hopefully the truck with all his belongings isn't delayed too much.
  17. Good luck, weave!!
  18. Good luck, ink... hopefully nothing serious.
  19. Papasan chairs. I always forget how much I love mine, but now it has the added bonus of allowing me to comfortably nap partially upright (a must after oral surgery).
  20. Thanks, all. He was pretty broken up about leaving yesterday, so it's not unlikely he'll come to his senses later, but it would take a lot of convincing to have me move there. OKC is someplace I'd never felt compelled to even visit (much less live), and I won't agree to go unless we're solid and I'm sure I won't hate living there. So far the only positive thing I can come up with about it is that I'd have no concerns about NHL game blackouts with no hockey markets for hours! :P
  21. Had a tooth extracted this afternoon, which set me back $200 and means ice packs and mushy food for me the next few days. I'll never understand why people take hydrocodone (Vicodin) for recreational use; all it does is make me sleepy and nauseous. Still no takers for the kitten, and this weekend my dad and stepmom are dropping off their dog to stay with me for a week. Already worried about the dog, but not looking forward to seeing how the kitten reacts and what he gets into in the process. My stepmom scared the crap outta him last week when they stopped by, so I'm almost as worried about her as the dog. And yesterday my boyfriend of 6 years left to move to Oklahoma City for a new job. It's a long story, but essentially we've found ourselves at an impasse because he's not sure about marriage (hang-ups from past relationships) and I'm unwilling to pick ip my life and leave all my friends here to be his long-term girlfriend. And I'm not at all sure I want to live in OKC even if he gets his own issues resolved. I'll be going to visit and he's going to try and change my mind, but no idea how/if it'll work out and the situation just sucks.
  22. lol not necessarily... it looked like there is also an Indian dish called Briyani. ;)
  23. It might fit... mine wasn't full to the lid, but it was probably over 3/4 full so you might need to scale the recipe back a little. I wonder if that paste is similar to Biryani (not sure how to spell)? I used to work with a girl who was Kurdish, and she'd made a really tasty rice dish called Biryani once. It wasn't spicy, but it had great flavor to it. Edit: from Wikipedia, sounds a little different: The spices and condiments used in biryani may include, but are not limited to, ghee (clarified butter), nutmeg, mace,[2] pepper, cloves,[2] cardamom, cinnamon, bay leaves, coriander, mint leaves,ginger, onions, and garlic. The premium varieties include saffron.[2]
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