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Everything posted by biodork

  1. I'm not saying the law doesn't have issues; just that it wouldn't even be affecting you were it not for your employer's actions. The problem with your plan options being restricted by zip code is a major issue with the law, and hopefully one that can be addressed.
  2. The part I don't get (and not trying to single you out, weave) is why people in those situations always seem more angry towards Obama/the ACA/etc than their employers? Nothing in that law said your employer had to stop offering coverage; they've chosen to do so now that they have an out (the exchanges). Same with employers who've cheaped-out and cut people's hours to get out of the requirements. Don't they deserve your animosity as well?
  3. I think I read a while back that he'd already planned to sell his place before his contract was up just to make sure he wasn't stuck with it, which is believable. And I wouldn't say him not having purchased another place yet as a sign he's checked-out; it makes a lot of sense because 1) he knows he can be traded, and 2) even if he's open to staying, I'm sure he wanted to see what happens with the team this year and whether management would offer a contract or let him hit FA. I won't be surprised if he ends up leaving Buffalo, but I don't think it's a forgone conclusion at this point.
  4. I think you're remembering Biron when Miller broke his thumb years back, but there could be a stretch I'm forgetting (maybe after the Lucic incident when Miller had the concussion?). Agreed. IMO, Enroth = Ryan Fitzpatrick
  5. As am I. I'll even make an allowance for the following weekend if New Year's is midweek, but beyond that is ridiculous.
  6. Lol it wasn't two weeks ago (which was still arguably too late).
  7. Snowboarding on fresh powder (even if it's so cold, your toes hurt after).
  8. Condolences to you both. Indeed. I hope I make it that long (assuming I'm still in possession of my faculties and in fairly good health). Complaint: people who still have Christmas lights up as of Jan. 23rd. I appreciate that they were probably a pain to put up, and they do look nice, but FFS it's been almost a month since Christmas. Take 'em down, already!
  9. Holy smokes... that was for 2 drinks? You've got a great bar / bartender if they were able to even get their hands on the stuff. If I ever see the 15 yr out (unlikely), I'll have to give it a try... sounds amazing. I'm still meaning to get a bottle of WL Weller.
  10. Very nice! You should upload a pic of the final product. I've seen that show a few times (missed this one) and it always seems kinda overly coincidental that the people they focus on are hard-luck stories, but it is cool to see the bosses take notice and make things right for folks. Yowza -- glad you did call, and that you have a great dentist. Hopefully you won't need a dental implant and crown later, because I can tell you firsthand that it's EXPENSIVE, even with insurance. But enjoy some painkillers and ice cream in the meantime. Been a slow week at SS with so many days between games, so you haven't missed much. On the plus side, CoHo is reminding us what we were missing (2 goals in 2 games since coming back).
  11. :( Sorry to hear about your friend. Cancer ###### sucks. Mine for this week: my dad works for a small ophthamology practice (he's an optician), and his asshat bosses decided that they should cut his hours to half-time in order to save money. This was announced to him on New Year's Eve and was effective immediately, leaving him suddenly scrambling for a new job and trying to figure out insurance coverage. Thankfully he can get coverage through my stepmom's employer, but it's still ###### that they didn't give him any notice.
  12. That's the first I'd seen Feckin, but it was at a store in MD and not PA. Not sure why they don't usually have it near me.
  13. Just opened a new bottle of FECKiN Spiced Irish Whiskey, and was struck by how much this reminds me of Bacardi Oakheart. I think weave might've said before the Oakheart had bourbon character. Lots of vanilla / cola on the nose. A little sweet, but not at all hot and very easy to drink neat. I like it.
  14. I found this funnier than I probably should have.
  15. Sounds like lipo for your eyeball. How the heck do they get the floater without accidentally removing any of the important stuff? My dad had shown me a video of a guy in Africa doing cataract surgery. It was the craziest thing; he just had this needle in his pocket that he'd clean, then without any other special equipment or anesthesia, he'd essentially use the needle to push the cataract so it fell down and out of the way of the lens. And voila -- instant vision restoration, all done in a little dirt shack in Africa. Pretty amazing stuff.
  16. Lol that's gross, too, but some people are just really weirded out by anything related to eyes. Having worn contacts since the age of 13, I'm not one of them. Lol yuck!!
  17. I still think you've got me beat with that one... I cringe just picturing it!
  18. Combination of tweezers and toothpick, but yeah. :) And lol Jo on the Ren and Stimpy reference! I almost took a pic of the piece after because I was oddly proud of myself for doing it, but I figured no one else would want to see that, lol.
  19. Apologies because it's gross, but I finally got the tooth shrapnel out of my gums last night. Holy cow, what a relief... was like having an ingrown toenail in your mouth. Not sure how the dentist/surgeon missed a piece that size during the extraction, but glad it's gone and hopefully that was the last one so my gums can finish filling back in where the molar was.
  20. (curses Jay McKee's dirty shinpad) He's awfully lucky it was so superficial! Abdominal injuries are tough to heal.
  21. OUCH: http://thebiglead.com/2014/01/08/brayden-schenn-cut-his-stomach-on-an-opponents-skate-returned-to-the-game/ (Sorry if someone already posted.)
  22. Lol :P He hasn't had to worry about it since he's been 1300+ miles away since before the extraction.
  23. I have what I can only assume was some "shrapnel" left from my tooth extraction more than 4 weeks ago that will not come out. This stupid litte piece of tooth (or jaw, not sure) is still partilly embedded in my gums, loose enough on one side that I can move it, but not enough to come out. I've tried the last few nights to grab it with tweezers and get it out, but the friggin' thing is stuck. Gross, irritating to my tongue, and highly annoying.
  24. No fun! Hope all goes well for you tomorrow, cdx.
  25. Lol thanks; I needed that (both you and GCoE).
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