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Everything posted by biodork

  1. :wub: I think I tried a CBC link at one point last week and got an error that the video was not available in my area. :( Maybe, but I think there will always be people who want the full channel lineup (mostly families). The percentage of cordcutters may very well go up if they made that an option, though.
  2. True, but if they're going to lose people like myself as subscribers anyhow, why not try and replace some of that lost revenue? I know I'm sort of fighting a losing battle, but it drives me crazy that they haven't found a way to sell something to people who want it. Usually free market is good at those things.
  3. But why? There's an untapped market for them with people like myself who don't want cable but still want access to special events like the Olympics and NHL playoffs. It seems like they'd make more money charging for an app to allow those people access for that time period than they would by trying to convince us we should sign up for cable. How much can NBC really get in the way of kick-backs for each cable subscriber, given how many other networks (and the service provider) are getting a slice of the pie?
  4. Only if you have an existing paid cable subscription via DirecTV, Comcast, etc. since you have to log in with your account info, meaning the cord-cutters like myself are SOL. I can't understand why they won't just make a paid app for $10-20 to allow people access. I'm sure lots of people would rather pay for the high quality broadcasts vs the sketchy free stuff you sometimes find.
  5. If you have a friend / family member who does subscribe to DirecTV or one of the participating providers, you can use their account info to log in and stream via NBC Sports (app or online, I believe).
  6. I'm really surprised more people DON'T use them. At work I have my phone on vibrate because anyone who really needs to reach me knows my work # if it's urgent, but at home I tend to set my phone down somewhere rather than keep it on me, so I'd miss calls if I only had it on vibrate. The ringtones are really just so I know if it's worth trying to grab the phone before it goes to voicemail or if I should ignore it, lol.
  7. I set ringtones for a few people I talk to semi-regularly (immediate family, close friends, and the bf) and a default ringtone for everyone else. But my phone is on silent or vibrate when I'm at work because I hate those people who always seem surprised by their phone ringing loudly in public. For the current bf I've alternated between "The Way I Are" (Timbaland) and "Paralyzer" (Finger Eleven). If you have an android phone you can download Ringdroid for free and use it to make ringtones out of mp3 files you already have.
  8. This Dallas newscaster is awesome: http://twentytwowords.com/dallas-sportscasters-shocking-response-to-michael-sam-coming-out-as-gay/
  9. That sucks. It's odd, too... even if he believes you'll be bored after 18 months, that's still 18 months during which they could have a well-qualified and productive employee! Would they rather have a noob who takes 18 months just to "get it" and maybe stay longer? They can always add responsibilities or look at promotions down the line. Sorry to hear that, weave.
  10. Lol yeah. Duff would never get a word in, and the segments aren't long enough to let Marty do what he does best.
  11. Snow throwers (and snow days) are awesome.
  12. True. I used to work at a state University where they gave us all of those as paid holidays, but the assumption seemed to be that you would work those days anyhow and accumulate the extra time off like vacation. Very odd.
  13. Good to know. I hadn't heard from anyone else who'd been there, but the specials and relative proximity made it attractive. Only place outside of my area I've gone was Whiteface in Lake Placid a few years back. We liked it, but from what I've heard we were lucky that it had snowed recently because some of the locals called it Iceface.
  14. I cab't speak for anyone else, but at least around here it seems like the only people with Columbus Day, President's Day, etc off are those affiliated with schools, banks, post offices, and state agencies. Most of the people I work with consider them fake holidays because it's business as usual for us. We only get the "big 6" as paid holidays: Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's.
  15. This idea is awesome (although the logo reminds me of Mr. Bill): http://www.thedrunkindonut.com
  16. Maybe you guys can do a long weekend (or weekday) trip to Hunter Mountain? Kinda far, but they have a really good deal on their "Try-Pak" for a couple visits/lessons. They offer great specials during March Madness on their slopeside condos, too. Haven't been myself yet, but seriously considered it. http://www.huntermtn.com/huntermtn/the-learning-center/adults-first-timers.aspx
  17. Bummer, I like Roby. May should be good as well, but even though he isn't well-suited to the position, I found myself hoping they'd have Marty Biron stepping in, lol.
  18. Hope you have it unplugged or turned off... I had to replace mine about a month ago after the motor burned out attempting to pump through a frozen pipe. This exactly. I'm so much happier with solid 20s than 40s in the winter because damp cold is the worst!
  19. I can't remember who told me this, but someone had said snowboarding is easier to learn, but harder to master. I took a ski lesson at 17 and hated it (never got the hang of the whole pizza / french fry thing), but I took to boarding right away. Never too late to learn! I started at 27 or 28 and was instantly hooked.
  20. No shame in that -- congrats to her!
  21. I've argued for years that marching band requires athleticism (former clarinet player), but I'd have a hard time equating it to figure skating, snowboarding, etc. <shrugs> Agree to disagree, I guess. Mostly semantics, anyhow.
  22. Honestly, I take more umbrage at the inclusion of skiing and snowboarding than I do figure skating, but I'm using the same argument for them all. And I get the art thing, but a difficult bass passage is technical skill and not athleticism.
  23. I don't think that's entirely fair, though... no denying that artistry / style / flair counts in all of those events, but there's also a huge technical aspect as far as level of difficulty for each jump / trick / etc attempted. So while it's not as clear-cut as a hockey score, it's not entirely subjective, either.
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