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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Sorry, guys! I always do those things when I get the cards in the mail because I know I'll forget otherwise. Even though they're usually only $5, money is money, right? I can't even imagine how much in total they paid out if that's the per-person for unaffected owners (meaning someone who never experience the problem directly).
  2. Remember that huge Toyota recall a while back after the unintended acceleration issues? Apparently my old Camry was included in the model years, because yesterday I got a check in the mail for $125 out of the settlement! Woohoo!
  3. Nice to see the boys smiling after a win and congratulating Hackett. Now it's bed time for Bonzo.
  4. Lol the butt tap by Hackett on Rudy. Thought that was just a football thing.
  5. Geez, stepped away at the 2nd intermission and missed all the fun! Good for Conacher and Hackett.
  6. Here it is: http://www.wgr550.com/pages/18625427.php?contentType=4&contentId=14906476
  7. I read the same somewhere this past week, but so was Miller when he was first called up from the Amerks...
  8. That's essentially what I've been doing. If I'm home I'm watching, but I'm almost always doing something else at the same time because the games have been fairly boring even when they were competitive. Edit: except I'm streaming to my tv, so I'm surfing on the iPad usually.
  9. I mean is there a way your doc can write a medical marijuana Rx for your daughter specifying to use a certain dosage of the "adult" weed? Maybe not, but that would make life easier. And I wish I could tell you differently, but I know very little about LC/MS and the people here who do it tend to be kind of specialized. :( Probably has more to do with the cost and sensitivity of the equipment than the ability to train people, but still...
  10. I watched all of the game Tues. night, but only if you loosely define "watch" as "had the tv on in the background while I did other things". That's how I've watched most games this season.
  11. Trying to incorporate comments / suggestions on a manuscript draft, and it's extremely painful. I've literally been struggling with the same introductory paragraph for over an hour. My boss wrote the first version and left it pretty thin on details, and then the other senior author expanded it but in a way that's overly verbose and semi-redundant. Now there's no flow to the whole section and I'm stuck looking for references for all the stuff the other person added in since they couldn't be bothered. Lack of sleep is not helping, either.
  12. That sucks, swamp. But if it's the same stuff for kids as adults, can't you just buy the stuff for adults? Maybe there's some way your doc can re-word the Rx so you can still get it?
  13. Eeeeww... sounds like it's time to think about relocating! Hopefully the traps you have are at least humane (not the sticky ones)? Not sure how well they work for mice, but could also try something like one of the plug-in electronic pest repellers.
  14. I want to say that was maybe during the last (2010) Olympics... something to do with sponsorship issues?
  15. The first part of your post is awesome. For the second part, you and your wife have my sympathies. It's awful that the people who should be helping you through this are not only unhelpful but seemingly mean-spirited. I hope things improve on that front for you.
  16. I agree with both of these, lol.
  17. Yeouch. I did that when I had the extraction (took a hydrocodone right when I got home to be safe), but I ended up not feeling much pain at all then so I figured this would be the same. I had taken 400 mg ibuprofen each at 1pm and 6pm (and I thought the 800 mg from 9am had long since worn off), but I was wrong... probably would've hurt way worse if I hadn't already taken the ibuprofen 30 min. before the other stuff wore off. Thankfully haven't needed the narcotics since then. Take heart; his jackass progeny live on.
  18. Same to you! That sounds painful, and those are slow to heal from what I've heard. Surprised / disappointed that people are rude to someone on crutches!
  19. Ah, there we go. Had dental implant surgery yesterday morning. This was supposed to be the easier of the two procedures (first was tooth extraction), but so far I disagree. Wishing I'd opted for general anesthesia over local, since it was kinda freaky feeling them drilling a hole in my jaw and watching them stitch everything shut after. Thought I'd be fine with just ibuprofen since that's all I needed before, but somewhere around 6:30pm the last of the 800 mg tablet they had me take before the surgery must have worn off because my jaw started to HURT. Hydrocodone killed the pain but left me feeling like I was gonna hurl. Stuck taking antibiotics for 10 days (3x/day), plus using an antibacterial mouth rinse that leaves a lovely aftertaste. That side of my face is puffy. And there's a small extra length of suture lassoed around the neighboring tooth and sticking up where my tongue keeps finding it that's taking a serious amount of self-control to leave alone. Bah. Can't wait to be done with all this. Oh yeah, and the local ski resort is closing on Sunday, so I may only get out one more time this season if I'm lucky. :(
  20. Love that he still has the bulldog and MattMan on the back.
  21. Happening here, too... not in my direct lab (yet), but there's been a fairly sizable exodus over the last year or two. It'd be awesome if the Complaint thread was open.
  22. Lol I call people in their mid 20s kids
  23. Tank or no tank, I wish Lieuwen could've won his first NHL start. Kid was awesome. No, I want to win $1000! Lol
  24. Had a rare day when my experimental results were closer to clinical applications than usual. Feels good to contribute information that can help someone get better treatment. And agreed with qwksnd on this winter! Gone snowboarding 10x this season and hoping for 1-2x more before the local slopes close for the season. Awesome!
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