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Everything posted by biodork

  1. For new moms, some kind of personalized photo gift is nice (Shutterfly, etc). For my own mom, there's a wine festival every May and I started getting us tickets to that. She got to drink wine while we spent the day together, so double-win!
  2. Like many others today, I'm enjoying a mint julep (used Colonel EH Taylor small batch bourbon). Tasty times.
  3. The performance from one of the contestants on The Voice this past Monday... it's been in my head all week, it's so good: http://youtu.be/fIihKp7olzk
  4. Probably doesn't help that I'm so tired I can't even think straight. I'd much rather be doing lab experiments right now (or sleeping).
  5. IRB paperwork is the worst. Someone please put me out of my misery.
  6. Hope you're out of the hospital for good at this point, CSB.
  7. Oof -- good luck with that, nfreeman. Sending well-wishes for your wife, NS.
  8. Can't find the picture, but here's the thread on his house: http://forums.sabrespace.com/topic/19987-derek-roys-summer-house/ There we go: http://forums.sabrespace.com/topic/20741-stafford-needs-to-go/#entry339668 I believe Koomkie's avatar is also Roy in costume/drag.
  9. Managed to get my hands on a bottle of Jefferson's Ocean last week. It's a bit hot neat, but opens up nicely with a little water. For the price I think I was hoping for some kind of bourbon epiphany, but I do like it and the flavor profile is interesting and different from the others I've tried.
  10. That makes sense. When I bought my last car, I told the salesman I wanted something reliable that I could conceivably drive for 10 years, lol.
  11. Am I the only person who doesn't consider 5-6 years "long-term"? I mean, most auto loans are in the ballpark of 5 years, so if your plan is to keep it for 5-6 years and get a new one, why bother buying vs. leasing?
  12. That video was pretty awesome, Swamp. And holy sh!t on the chicken nuggets lady, lol.
  13. Missed this thread last week, but great to hear, 11.
  14. Good to know. We've found a couple good places in OKC so far: Empire Slice House http://empireslicehouse.com/ The Mule http://themuleokc.com/ Tamazul http://www.matthewkenneycuisine.com/restaurants/oklahoma-city/tamazul-okc/ OKC Museum of Art - Museum Cafe (brunch is awesome) http://www.okcmoa.com/eat/menus/
  15. The bf moved to OKC in December, and last Fri. I few out to Tulsa so we could check out a different town. Would not have expected a Caribbean restaurant with fish flown in daily from Key West, FL in that part of the country.
  16. If anyone ever finds themselves in downtown Tulsa, OK, take heart and eat here: http://tulsafood.com/reviews/sisserous-restaurant-downtown http://www.sisserousrestauranttulsa.com/menu.html F'N fantastic food. The baked jerk chicken was phenomenal, as was the mahi-mahi.
  17. They said city/state is sufficient, and I recall that much so I'm not so much concerned with remembering as I am with the absurdness of their request. And I'm honestly much more concerned with them asking for info on my family. None of them work here and their actions do not influence my suitability for employment, but both my brother and father probably have things on record that would show up if someone decided to check. It's none of my employer's business and it has nothing to do with me.
  18. New one: incompetent admin staff. Our dept assistant was informed almost 4 weeks ago that we needed to start our annual (assinine, and worthless) staff review paperwork, and since she couldn't be bothered to let us know until today, now we have 1 week instead of 5 to get it done. This is the same person who recently screwed up the computer serial #s for our lab machines throughout multiple correspondences and had us completely confused on which computers were being upgraded and/or replaced over the last several weeks. It's really not that hard, lady.
  19. It's not even just that; my family lived at 4 different addresses when I was between the ages of maybe 4 and 20, plus at least 2 before that I was too young to know of. And I've had 6 different addresses by myself since then. I fail to see how any of that information is relevant to their searches. Maybe the last 5-10 years or something, but to request 39 years worth of details? Either I have a record or I don't; where I lived and who with has no bearing on that and I don't feel comfortable giving them so much information on my family. And yikes, CSB! Feel better, man.
  20. Hope you're feeling better, CSB. I'm woefully behind on SS news between work, travel, and more work the last few weeks. And speaking of work, they decided to roll out a new HR policy requiring all employees (not just those in the hospital) to have the following: • Pennsylvania State Police Criminal History Check • National Sex and Violent Offender Registry Check • Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance • Federal Criminal History Report Now I have nothing to hide personally, and I can understand some kind of check as a condition of employment, but they're doing this even on people who have been here for years, and the PA child abuse one (FU, Sandusky) requires us to list every address we've held SINCE 1975, as well as everyone with whom we have lived (excluding college roommates, for some reason) during that time. Whyinthehell do they need all that information from the last 39 years, which includes my entire life and places my parents would have lived when I was an infant that I don't even know firsthand about. And I'm just supposed to take them at their word that they aren't running checks on any of the other people you list as co-habitants. Really? If you don't plan to use it, why are you even asking? And this info goes to our HR dept before getting sent out to the relevant agencies who complete the checks, so it becomes part of our personnel file. The whole thing feels unnecessary and more than a little intrusive.
  21. Well, at least the 3rd period was kinda entertaining.
  22. Geez, stepped out to fold laundry and missed the goal! Good for Deslaurier.
  23. McBain trying to atone for his brutal first period!
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