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Everything posted by biodork

  1. A work complaint as old as time; people who don't actually have to do the job mandating a particular task be done, in spite of several conversations making clear the issues with said task and the multitude of reasons why it's actually a terrible idea. "Make it work." :censored: Speaking of work; I'm still f*cking here. Again. BLARGH.
  2. My friend's father in law has a problem where his epiglottis doesn't seal properly and he ends up aspirating small amounts food and drink into his lungs, but in his case he doesn't feel like he's choking, he's just prone to lower respiratory infections.
  3. Yikes, iT... glad you're okay!!
  4. I'd forgotten to post it at the time, but a few days ago while going through my neighborhood, I passed a car that had the windows down and the stereo loudly playing the theme song from Married With Children. :huh:
  5. I can't count. :bag:
  6. It's weird they chose to do only 8 episodes this season, then had to extend the length of both episodes 7 and 8 (this Sunday is scheduled for 79 minutes). They should've just stuck with 10 episodes and not rushed everything. As cool as it was to see the dragons taking on the White Walkers last week, I was fully prepared to have to wait, and the faster-than-the-speed-of-light raven from Eastwatch to Dragonstone was a bit much.
  7. Absolutely... I'm usually doing it for the views, because the hike itself can be unenjoyable at times. The summits are usually still fairly cold and windy even in the summer, so you're sweating on the way up and freezing at the top. But it is awfully pretty, and the only way to see it is to suffer a little (or a lot).
  8. :o :cry:
  9. It's not all that bad, but there's definitely a lot of truth to this:
  10. I dunno how you do it, Doohickie!
  11. That's what I figured... kind of like when they just threw themselves down the cliff at Hardhomme and got right back up at the bottom.
  12. It is. :) I was never unhappy living in PA, but now I would definitely be unhappy to go back, after having been out here. It's like being on permanent vacation!
  13. Crested Butte, CO... Scarp Ridge and West Maroon Bells Pass Trails. Wildflowers and mountains for days!
  14. Shoot, I forgot to check back on this last Friday since I was out of town. D'oh.
  15. Spent a long weekend in Crested Butte, CO. Pics can't do it justice, but the wildflowers and vistas were incredible. Yesterday we did the West Maroon Trail from Gothic up to Maroon Pass, which should have been an 8 mile hike but ended up closer to 15 after we parked a whole lot further from the trailhead than we intended (oops). Spent about 7 hours on the trail, but it sure was pretty and apart from a brief rainstorm, gorgeous weather.
  16. I'm sure qwk still hated at least something about that episode, but holy chit, that was bananas!!
  17. I finally saw Split last night, and oh man... James McAvoy was amazing.
  18. I was wondering if anyone else caught that!! http://ew.com/tv/2017/08/14/game-of-thrones-jon-snow-targaryen/
  19. The training that was scheduled for 8am-5pm today finished at noon... F'N Fantastic. (Now why can't I just be irresponsible and start the weekend early instead of coming back to work??) :wacko: <_<
  20. That's awesome, man. I wonder sometimes if my life had taken a different trajectory and I'd found myself happily married and financially stable in my 20s or early 30s, would I feel differently? I kind of suspect I might've, but things are what they are, and I'm just not at a point in my life where I'm ready for kids, and before long biological children won't be a good idea. But fostering and/or adopting is always on the table, so I'm not worried about rushing into anything.
  21. :w00t: :lol:
  22. This is exactly what I realized about myself; I'm not willing to give up the ability to travel (even if I can't afford it right now), and to watch my kid on a kiddie ride at the amusement park instead of going on the roller coasters, etc. It hurts a little to admit that about myself, but it's the truth, and I think it's better to recognize it than to be a bad parent or end up resenting my child for missing out, which is what I sometimes think happened to my mom when she had my brother and I at 19 and 20. I'd rather be parent to a fur-kid or 3 than mess up a child who never asked to be born.
  23. Can you update everyone with a count middle of next week? If there are still spots I'd be happy to buy one ahead to round out the group, but I don't want to angle in on someone else's seat if there are 16 people who can absolutely commit to going at that point. I can always snag a seat later if need be when plans firm up.
  24. Girl, I've got 10 years on you and I finally came to terms over the last few years that the urge was just never going to be there for me. I feel badly about it when there are people like my friend who desperately want children and can't have them, and I'm totally open to adoption if I reach that place later in life, but it's never been something I wanted; only something other people and/or society think you should want. And I'm sure it makes my parents a little sad since I was also the "only hope" in my family (my brother is gay), but my dad has never pressured me about it and I think my mom gave up long ago.
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