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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Peanut butter and banana "ice cream". It's dessert and post-workout fuel, all in one! Yesterday was spinach pie and lamb kabobs from a Middle Eastern restaurant, although sadly, both were subpar. At least I got a few cans of stuffed grape leaves to bring home from their grocery store to enjoy later.
  2. Hope it goes well!
  3. dEnnis: What about stuffed inside one of your shoes in the closet or something like that? Obviously I'd advocate putting the box inside a ziploc or something to avoid foot funk transfer, but could be a place you can monitor easily that she wouldn't have reason to get into.
  4. Lol well I'm in southcentral PA (closer to Philly than Pittsburgh), but the bf moved to Oklahoma City last Dec. and we never lived together.
  5. Love the winter pic. Cold or no, snow is beautiful.
  6. Why Pittsburgh?
  7. Lol no worries, PA... I don't expect anyone here to notice/remember/care. He still doesn't even know he missed it. His parents are in town visiting for the next few days, so I figure if he hasn't remembered on his own by the time they leave, I'll send him a link to this website: http://www.birthday-reminders.com
  8. You should call these guys, Jo! http://www.cartalk.com/
  9. :lol: and thanks dEnnis!
  10. I consider myself pretty low-maintenance as far as relationships go. I'm not a romantic, I don't require grand gestures, flowers, and fawning over me (I dislike being the center of attention anyhow). And I get that lots of people have trouble remembering dates. But with all the technology out there available to help with this sort of thing, it's pretty bad when you forget your gf's birthday.
  11. I don't know if I'd go so far as to call this awesome, but it did make me laugh yesterday: http://blog.petflow.com/a-man-interviewed-his-guinea-pig/#ZvwahetVgIV5zZdX.01
  12. :lol: that and the lamb burgers!
  13. Ah yes... the bf makes a dip using melted cream cheese, canned tomatoes, chorizo, and jalapenos. So bad for you, but so delicious.
  14. Agreed except for me the trick is having (at minimum) melted cheese in every layer. I hate when you get nachos somewhere and they come out in a big pile with only the very top set of chips having toppings and the rest being plain old sad and dry tortilla chips. No bueno.
  15. Good stuff, d4rk.
  16. Sounds like you and Mrs Shrader might've found your ticket out of Baaahstan.... hope it works out for you!
  17. While I appreciate the vote of confidence (and I do), I will quote my friend to say: "You ain't never seen me naked." :P But that's what's awesome about exercise; it forces you to focus on what your body can do rather than how it looks or feels, and the latter two naturally improve over time with exercise. Have you tried either of these? http://tumericalive.com http://www.cheribundi.com/sports/ Both are supposed to fight inflammation and accelerate recovery after exercise. The cherry juice is also supposed to promote better quality sleep, if that's an issue.
  18. They are pricey, but if you can find the larger bottles (not sure they make all flavors in the larger sizes), it should be more reasonable. I love the Green Machine flavor. We can be our own worst critics sometimes, and I share this sentiment. Most days I feel like my body is this separate thing with which I'm forced to do battle and/or tolerate vs a healthy part of me, but I'm working hard to change that mentality. Doing things like snowboarding and hiking helps tremendously.
  19. I can't remember which thread it originally came up in, but this is for the bar soap users: Jay Mohr: "soap is magical"
  20. Would you have us all believe this is the first you've used butter in 5 months or so? Hope it's salted.
  21. Agreed -- I thought 40-70 g was the standard recommendation for daily protein intake? I struggle to hit 40 g on days I don't have meat, which is why I started trying to incorporate quinoa, lentils, etc into my diet. Are you Michael Phelps? :unsure: lol man, you are a lucky son of a gun. I think I said the first go-round in this thread that I used to work out regularly in college, but I lost my workout buddy and have struggled to get back into a routine ever since. I'm not completely sedentary since I walk/stand a fair amount at work, take the stairs (5 flights) every day, and snowboard in the winter, but I don't exercise regularly and I feel out of shape even though I'm not overweight. I'm a night owl, but evenings are tricky because I don't always leave work at the same time and I usually don't feel like working out by the time I get dinner and settle in at home. So mornings are the ticket, but I loathe getting up early. I found a website called Condition for Life that does free monthly workout challenges where they post a short workout video every day for the month and you follow along, so I signed up and started doing that a few days ago. They aren't overly intense (so far), but I'm mainly aiming to make the short morning workouts a habit so I can continue with longer workouts as part of my routine afterwards. It's only day 3 of 30, but so far, so good!
  22. All gouda is good gouda! I specified smoked only because that particular combo was what they served at the restaurant. :)
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