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Everything posted by biodork

  1. This fits as well. In the beginning it was torture watching them be so incredibly bad, and as the season wore on it was torture because they were so uninteresting to watch that I no longer wanted to. Game 5 of the finals was literally the only playoff game I watched this postseason.
  2. Much as I dislike the Kings, it's always cool to see the captain hoist the cup. And good for Regher (first hand-off).
  3. Bettman just wet himself.
  4. Lol well he "only" paid $150 for them, but they're my "sorry I forgot your birthday" present. ;)
  5. These headphones are awesome: http://www.westoneaudio.com/index.php/products/adventure-series/adventure-series-alpha.html Bass is impressive.
  6. GD, you people are warriors! And lol at the thread title update.
  7. I'd say I've been pretty lucky in that regard (knock on wood)... mostly because I didn't do anything athletic growing up, so smaller sample size, haha. The worst I've done is slam my knees on a patch of ice while snowboarding. Hurt like a mofo, and had me limping all the way to the car after. And stupid me didn't realize I should've taken measures to avoid swelling after, so I was gimpy and tie-dye colors for almost 2 weeks. Ribs sound awful... didn't chz break a rib a while back?
  8. love that one (even if too much of it applies to me!)
  9. That's great, shrader... they must really want you (and your friend gave one heck of a reference)!
  10. Oh wow, that sounds awful! I hope your insurance does cover that!!
  11. So Tues. night I saw a small brown moth on my dining room wall and whacked it with a fly swatter. I was distracted and forgot to clean it right away, and when I did last night I realized there was actually a small hole or depression in the wall where it had been, and another little spot further down. Odd, but I figured maybe my fault for not cleaning it the night before (do bug guts eat wall?). Tonight I noticed it looked like the hole had filled back in, and when I looked up close there was some kind of little wormy larvae in there, crawling near the top!!! So grossed out. I read online that you can kill them with white vinegar, so I sprayed that to get rid of the material filling in the hole and it (the material, not the worm) flushed out the smaller hole further down the wall. Bastard dug a little tunnel in my wall! I difn't see the worm come out so I put painter's tape over both spots, but omg, so creeped out. There'd better not be any more of those things! :( And burnt popcorn. Accidentally ate a piece, and BLECH.
  12. The insulation around the electric cable running outside my house up to the power meter is wearing through, and a few weeks ago I contacted a company for an estimate. Being a generic handyman place, they actually referred me to a different electrician because they felt the project required someone with more experience than they had on staff. Fair enough, and honesty is always appreciated. I called this guy the morning of May 26th and left a message explaining the problem, where I'm located, etc., but after 2 weeks I hadn't heard back from him. Since it was right before the holiday weekend when I called I figured maybe he was on vacation, so I called a second time last Friday and left a similar voicemail. He called back having clearly not listened to either message, and asked if we'd spoken before and thought I was located in a different nearby town. I told him where I was actually located and re-explained the same thing I'd explained in the voicemail, and he made an appointment to come out yesterday morning at 9am. Yesterday I got up early to wait for this guy since I had the morning off work, but 9am came and went and this guy was a no-show. Around 10am I called intending to leave a message telling him to forget about it, but he answered the phone and apologized, saying he'd completely forgotten since something else had come up. I told him he could have a second chance if he could come out at 9am today or tomorrow, and he said he would be there at 9am today. Fine. This morning he called around 8:55am and said he was close but wasn't sure which house was mine, saying he was in front of house #415 on N ___ St. I'm confused because there is no direction on my street address and a little annoyed because I'd told him the house number was 407, but I figured he was just on the wrong end of the street when he was describing the area. Then he says, "you're in Carlisle, right?" NOPE. He was in the other town he'd thought of when we'd spoken the week before, which is about 20 minutes away. I told him to forget it because I was going with someone else for the work rather than deal with this aggravation. That guy better be a whole lot better at electrical work than he is at organizational skills. Effing moron.
  13. Except your MIL's renewed interest in houses and babies if/when you moved, lol.
  14. Hey now... that would certainly help the dilemma with the other potential employer! Good luck, shrader.
  15. I don't know about that... I do favor making sure douchebag coaches don't overuse it and needlessly ruin the game, but a bench minor might be too harsh for a lost challenge (especially if the call is subjective).
  16. As long as its use is restricted, I agree with this:
  17. I think if they do it right it would be a good check and balance. But it needs to be very limited use (only 1-2 per coach) to avoid slowing the game too much.
  18. Good call, and nope: http://fruit-crops.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/pear-red-anjou-anjou-hosui-bosc.jpg
  19. Huh... love PB and apple, but never tried it with pear before. Will have to give it a go. Probably better with a crisp Asian pear than a soft, ripe Bartlett?
  20. Lol well if you don't like the fruit it's gross, but I love the combo of PB and banana. We actually have a Wegmans but I never thought to look for them there (I don't shop there regularly because it's too crowded and another store is closer to my house)! And my very unadventurous stepmom ordered a freaking Philly cheesesteak at a Middle Eastern restaurant. (facepalm)
  21. Pretty sure that was BuffinATL and not HopefulFuture
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