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Everything posted by biodork

  1. GoDD, I know we'll never see eye-to-eye on this particular issue (and that's fine), but you really should be better-informed than this.
  2. Talk about Hobby Lobby being hypocritical: http://www.fair.org/blog/2014/07/01/the-deeply-held-religious-principle-hobby-lobby-suddenly-remembered-it-had/
  3. Whoops. :blush: Color me embarrassed!
  4. My best friend got married yesterday, and even though the day started off pretty rocky, everything ended up working out well and all had a good time celebrating. So happy for them.
  5. This is an interesting idea (first I'd heard of it): https://mayday.us/
  6. Bummer. I know most folks were down on him, but I liked the guy. Yeah, he's slow and lumbering and won't play most nights, but he had a great attitude and even stepped in on D when injuries required it. (And he had fantastic eyebrows. And I wanted to see Ennis wearing his helmet.)
  7. Question is: not signed because he's weighing multiple offers, or not signed because he has yet to receive one? I kind of doubt the latter, but I can see how he wouldn't be first priority for a lot of teams.
  8. We shall see, but he's off to a helluva good start!
  9. Saw this morning in my email. :( I hope his treatment goes well and he recovers fully. It's unfortunate it's inoperable because chemo will kick your ass. Article from the BN (for anyone who didn't see it on the front page of SS): http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/sabres-nhl/rick-jeanneret-diagnosed-with-throat-cancer-plans-to-return-to-broadcast-sabres-games-this-season-20140702
  10. I love this guy more and more with every press conference.
  11. Is that right? Seems way too low.
  12. How huge is it that a player who was traded here and only played 44 games during our worst season ever CHOSE to come back?
  13. Very nice. Long enough to find out if he's the real deal.
  14. Yesss!! Welcome back, MattyMo. GMTM is :worthy:
  15. Congrats, shrader!
  16. "I AM saying cheese!"
  17. This comic strip had me laughing so hard (definitely click on the grey text marked "bonus panel" under the last pic): http://theoatmeal.com/comics/cuddling
  18. "This is as close to smiling as I get."
  19. Amusing stuff, Drane. Can't comment on picks 2-7 since I don't know much about them and haven't had a chance to watch the vids, but I'm not concerned about Reinhart's canned answers. From what I've read his game is not flashy, so why should his personality be? I wouldn't be disappointed if he turns into Pominville, as long as someone else has the C on their sweater.
  20. Off-topic, but congratulations are in order for managing to find a picture with TM smiling.
  21. I believe it is "Not new thread worthy." Congrats/good luck, nfreeman!
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