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Everything posted by biodork

  1. I would consider it "standing pat" rather than tanking, because to me tanking implies you're unloading anyone of value (Vanek, Miller, etc) because the team isn't going anywhere as constructed. But just semantics, I guess. Darryl said it better than I did.
  2. Completely forgot about that team -- was thinking '99 and '06. Poorly worded on my part. By "as currently constructed" I meant with the players currently in the Sabres' system (no outside help), which allows for the trading of pending UFAs if they aren't in the future plans. And Nashville and San Jose make the playoffs seemingly every year, too... doesn't mean they're "real" contenders.
  3. That's why I've said I wouldn't keep those guys unless they were re-signed; no sense letting them walk for nothing. And I've tried to articulate that I'm not in favor of selling any future assets for a push this year; I'm saying if the team is good enough as currently constructed to contend, let 'em play and see how far it goes. Yes, but that's kind of my point; the Devils won multiple cups on the back of Brodeur, not a stud, generational talent forward. Several different paths to the same end.
  4. My hope is that if they've been playing well enough to talk playoffs come March, either guys have re-signed or been made expendable by the younger players. And why do so many people seem to think full-tank is the only way? Neither of the two Sabres teams that came closest to winning a Cup had a Crosby-type player, and even the Pens have had plenty of years WITH Crosby without being relevant come April. There are many paths to the Cup, and if the Sabres don't get Eichel and/or McDavid, I'm confident GMTM will still find a way to make us contenders again.
  5. Amazing stuff.
  6. Geez. There's always a chance, man... my grandfather went home on Hospice somewhere around 1999 with an inoperable brain tumor. He died this past March (2014) of lymphoma.
  7. Well, maybe my own biased reading of the poll question; I'd be thrilled if this year's team turns out to be far better than we imagined and makes a legitimate push, however unlikely that is. Last year truly stunk not giving a d@mn whether they were playing or not, and the idea of another season of that is nauseating. I'll also admit that since I don't closely follow the minors / prospects / draft-eligible players I'm reluctant to flush another season down the toilet over the idea of some child hockey savior who might be a complete bust (or we might not even get him, in spite of a terrible season). I'd almost rather the group we already have (current and soon-to-be NHLers) grows into an elite team than expect McDavid or Eichel to be the answer to all our problems. But again, I'm admitting that I haven't followed them so I'm less inclined to buy into the hype.
  8. Probably, but if they find themselves there in spite of the team that's been assembled, I won't be mad about it; I'll happily cheer them on and chalk it up to the kids getting more experience. This.
  9. Perhaps I should clarify: I don't want them to be the 9th seed trying to make the dance. But if they should surprise us all and be in 7th/8th at the deadline with signs of them having a chance to make some noise, I want them FO to let the kids play and possibly get some postseason experience vs. intentionally making the team worse for a better draft pick. I completely realize this scenario is highly unlikely, but if it happens I'll be cheering them on and not pissed off about them ruining the tank. :clapping:
  10. Eeesh, CSB. You really are long overdue for some better fortunes. What kind of dad wants nothing to do with his own kids? Cut that M-Fer off and be done with it, for your sake and the boys'. My complaint is lame, but I think I gave myself a minor rib injury gardening last weekend (of all things). I was standing on a step ladder to prune an overgrown lilac bush across the fence, and I couldn't get much leverage with the lopping shears so I used my rib cage to brace the one handle and pull the other one towards me. Worked a couple times, but the 3rd time something gave and it didn't feel so good. Could be a lot worse, but abdominal exercises are now off-limits because they make it worse and then it hurts to breathe. Ugh.
  11. All depends on who's on the block, how they've performed, and whether they can be part of the future. I'd focus almost exclusively on the performance of the players here to decide whether they stay and be a part of things or get moved for a better return. I don't see us as buyers at the deadline under any circumstances, but I don't think it'll be a fire sale like last year (unless they're abysmally bad, which I hope not).
  12. Definitely not, but if those players are performing well and want to be a part of the future of this team (and can be signed to a new deal / extension), I'm not opposed to keeping some of them vs flipping at the deadline, unless the return is too good to ignore.
  13. I'm with nfreeman again. I definitely wouldn't mortgage the future at the deadline for the sake of a playoff push, but I very much dislike the idea of actively trying to be bad. If the players are working hard and getting results, intentionally disrupting that for a possible draft pick sends the wrong message to the players who are here. That being said, I realize it's pretty unlikely this group will magically turn into the 2012 LA Kings.
  14. I know it's not the popular answer, but I'm with you, nfreeman. I miss caring about this team. If they're truly not good enough this year and finish 29th-30th in spite of trying, then so be it. But, if something amazing happens and the kids coalesce into a legit team that is contending with the heavyweights, I don't want anyone on the coaching staff or FO telling them to back off for fear of hurting our draft status.
  15. That salsa sounds pretty fantastic. Got a bit of unintended culture fusion going on here: Thai chicken with basil, Naan bread, and Brugal Especial Extra Dry white rum.
  16. I know this is going to sound cold, but why in blue perfect Hell would they bring people already infected with Ebola HERE for treatment? Treat them where they are and don't risk exposing any more people along the way (especially given the 60-90% mortality rate).
  17. My mom starts a new job Monday, where she'll finally be salaried again (she's been in a contracted position for a while now). Full benefits, paid vacation, and no more paying estimated quarterly taxes. So happy for her!
  18. That's awesome, weave. Always feels good to know you are/were appreciated. I meant to post this last week, but shrader's post in the Complaint thread reminded me: Simple.tv is pretty awesome so far: https://us.simple.tv/ http://www.cnet.com/...by-silicondust/ http://www.amazon.com/Simple-tv-Network-Lifetime-Premier-Subscription/dp/B00BF2M21C While it does require some money up front and its utility is heavily dependent on your antenna and local channels available (check here to see what's in your area: http://www.antennaweb.org/), it really is a neat interface that gives some extra capabilities missing with just my Roku.
  19. I'd be thrilled with 3%... typically we get a paltry 1-2%, which doesn't even keep pace with cost of living increases. But at least it's something, and it sucks that they can't be bothered to do it. Last year they announced in mid-August they had approved a 2% increase, but it wasn't going to show up in our checks until the end of Sept (even though it was retroactive to July 1). I don't know why they can't get this done properly. It's not like the timing is a surprise, and WE'RE the reason the institution is doing well, not the empty suits collecting obscene paychecks. Hope your news/complaints aren't too bad, dEnnis.
  20. In the last week or two, we've received organizational emails describing what a great year it's been, how financially sound the hospital and university are, etc., as well as describing a new set of rather large internal grants to be offered in the near future for physician-scientists (my boss is one). Notably absent: any mention of the staff salary increases that traditionally go into effect July 1 and would have been present in today's paycheck. :thumbdown:
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