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Everything posted by biodork

  1. lol
  2. Agreed, but it's important to recognize that 27% is health care spending, which includes Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, Research, etc. Health care costs are out of control, and we don't get what we pay for relative to other developed countries: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html
  3. biodork


    There's a joke in there somewhere...
  4. Don't be an a$$, Matrix... he's talking about sequestration cuts, which even you can't dispute. There are also several of us here who work in research and can tell you first-hand the effects of decreased NIH support over the last decade. And for the record, people would be much more willing to engage in discussion with you if every post didn't include hyperbolic statements and fake lulz.
  5. biodork


    Ah, okay. Makes sense. So why not this year? Is it possible his agent asked them not to grant the waiver so he had a chance to play there if he didn't make the Sabres lineup?
  6. That sounds great, except how will they know whether it worked? I doubt anyone who was vaccinated will voluntarily expose themselves to see if they were indeed protected from infection.
  7. biodork


    That's crazy. How was that not an issue last year?
  8. Sounds like he got all the screaming out before coming to the podium (maybe a way to avoid more peewee comments).
  9. 0 for 22 on the power play this season. :sick:
  10. You know it's bad when I was more interested in organizing our new lab freezer than watching the 3rd period of this game. Ugh. Why do they have to suck so bad?
  11. Ugh way to waste Jorges' effort on that last shift.
  12. Spirited bout. Miller holding his arm/elbow on the way to the box.
  13. Geez why can't someone move it to the left side instead of having Stewart repeatedly shoot into the D-man's shinpads?
  14. Holy crap, Enroth got lucky there... Chara has one helluva shiner!
  15. Rob Ray is correct; Marchand bleeding from the mouth IS what I want to see!
  16. Here's hoping this is at least somewhat entertaining. Game on!
  17. Lucic fined $5000 for his actions in Montreal: http://www.ctvnews.ca/sports/bruins-lucic-apologizes-for-inexcusable-actions-in-montreal-1.2060031 Seems kinda crazy Wis got suspended for 2 games and this is only a $5000 fine, but the NHL never does make much sense.
  18. Patience, grasshopper... it's only been 3 hours on a Sat. morning! ;)
  19. ^Awesome. Nice to kick off the weekend with a little Rage. There are three parts to this, but I'll just link the first and you guys can find the next 2 if interested:
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