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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Yes. For the majority of people who lost their existing coverage and/or doctors, the reason was often their greedy/cheap employers deciding to push them into the exchanges rather than bring their coverage up to par with the new law. Their employer didn't HAVE to do this; they did it because they could. So while it was an oversight for the Dems not to realize this could happen and avoid assuring people their coverage would not change, people should be unhappy with their employer / insurer and not the ACA.
  2. lol nice. Only got to half-watch tonight from work, but good to see the guys are finally putting in some effort and making things more respectable and entertaining, even if the outcome is usually the same.
  3. Is this opposite day??
  4. :bag: Facial hair APPEARANCE :P
  5. I have a feeling a joke went over my head, but if we're talking about facial hair, then actually I'm neither for nor against in general... just prefer goatee or full beard to the mustache. Very few people can rock a mustache without looking awful.
  6. Aha! It all makes sense now, haha.
  7. Yuck, Girgensons joins the ugly lip rat club.
  8. No worries; the meaning behind IHL Roadrunners and Suuupra-Geniuses were both lost on me. :blush:
  9. THIS. There is no reason my iPad 2 should be as bad as it is now, because it was perfectly functional before installing iOS 8. With Android phones it's sometimes annoying that they'll stop releasing updates sooner than you think they would, but at least they won't push an update that your phone can't handle and effectively kill it.
  10. lol okay.
  11. What about the Wile E. Coyotes?
  12. The microphone (speak-to-text) actually works surprisingly well most of the time, but SwiftKey is definitely the way to go otherwise. I use a combo depending on where I am when I'm texting (don't want to be that idiot talking into their phone at the grocery store).
  13. Those are pretty great.
  14. biodork


  15. Thirded (is that a word?)... hope his next surgery goes well and he can leave the hospital tomorrow as planned.
  16. For anyone unsure where to vote and who is on their ballot, find your info here (served with a generous side of sarcasm and profanity): http://youringpollingplace.com/
  17. I don't care who you're voting for; just get out there and vote tomorrow, people. (And no b!tching about the outcome if you don't paticipate.)
  18. Garth Goober makes me chuckle every time. Carry on, Carrion...
  19. Saw this on FB earlier this evening... sad day. :( I had no idea those guys were that age! I don't even like cars, but the Car Talk brothers and Top Gear trio are so entertaining that it doesn't matter. RIP, buddy.
  20. Wow. Only got to half-watch this while working, but that was pretty unexpected. Hoping Zadorov sticks around (AND plays) longer.
  21. Stewart redeems himself for earlier!
  22. Holy crap, first I saw Dunleavy's hideous mustache... that thing looks awful!
  23. Missed the goal, but woohoo!
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