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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Agreed. Apart from the fact that I think expansion in general is a terrible idea when you already have franchises that are not well-supported by their fanbases (Panthers, cough, cough), I have a hard time picturing a successful one in Vegas. There are far too many other (less expensive) things for visitors to do there, and no idea how much interest there would be from permanent residents.
  2. I think that was the one he wrote right after Lindy was fired, right? And lol Liger.
  3. More chatter on Vegas... I really want this to be untrue: http://nypost.com/2014/11/12/nhl-picks-owners-for-likely-vegas-team/
  4. biodork


    It's stuff like this ^ that makes me love the guy. Maybe I'll even break out the jersey I have with his name on it for tonight's game.
  5. :( I second Eleven; if it's still bothering you several days after the fact, you should get yourself checked out (and maybe get a better helmet!).
  6. Too much work and not enough play makes bio a dull girl. :( And I just hit my elbow so hard on the corner of my bench that I have a lump there now. Ouch.
  7. lol yeah that's kinda weird.
  8. I need to try that one or the wide forefoot as well... very few of my shoes even have laces so I always forget, but I think this would help with my snowboard boots. I always crank the laces down because my heel feels loose, but my feet are being strangled, haha.
  9. Reminds me of this page I'd seen before about alternative ways to lace running shoes, depending on your foot shape: http://katierunsthis...ing-techniques/ What you described sounds pretty similar to the "high instep" and "wide forefoot" sections. I guess these apply to more than just running shoes!
  10. biodork


    Woohoo! I guess he found a solution to the "vision" problem (brightness issue)?
  11. lol :nana: back
  12. I don't believe so, but since they were doing a meta-analysis of several large studies conducted across multiple countries, it seems less likely to be a confounder. The people enrolled in those studies had pre-existing cardiovascular disease, so one could argue many of them were unhealthy to begin with. The full paper is here for anyone interested (the Table gives more details on the studies used for meta-analysis): http://jama.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=1758749
  13. Yet another reason to get your flu shot! http://www.biotechniques.com/news/biotechniquesNews/biotechniques-354861.html#.VGOB_TTF-E5
  14. Sorry for your losses, GCoE and MattPie. :(
  15. Same here... the selection at our Wegmans is awesome, but the store is too big, the layout sucks, and it's crowded with soccer moms unless you go at weird hours. And now my Giant is almost exactly like our Wegmans. :( No Tops in this area, but I've been to them in NY before.
  16. That is fast! I have a Nexus 5 so not exactly the same, but with routine use (checking a few times during the day and a couple phone calls, some longer) it's still at 50% after 24 hours. There's a couple tips here for the S4 that might help: http://www.androidcentral.com/top-tips-saving-battery-life-samsung-galaxy-s4 In general, screen brightness, wifi, GPS/location services, and bluetooth will all cause a quicker drain, so if you're not using those all the time it's good to disable them until you need them.
  17. You're having oral surgery right around Thanksgiving?? This should be in the Complaint thread, my friend. Much better way of saying what I've been trying to get at.
  18. Oh yikes, that might be part of the problem... does your battery drain that quickly on its own, or do you use it a lot? If on its own there should be settings you can change (screen brightness, etc) and/or battery preservation apps you can use to help.
  19. That'd be OEM (original equipment manufacturer). Do you leave it plugged in / charging for long periods of time, or does it overheat during regular use?
  20. Agreed with both.
  21. Hopeful, I think wjag and I are trying to make the point that it wasn't a willful lie so much as a naive failure to foresee that potential consequence. No way to really know either way; just a matter of how you choose to perceive it.
  22. 11am ET and no complaints yet? Come on, people! :P
  23. :huh: Yeah, what he said... we were saying the same thing. Some employers decided not to modify their existing coverage to meet the ACA requirements, causing people to "lose their plan", but this was the choice of the employer. That, too, but these are not mutually exclusive answers... I'm sure there are examples of both.
  24. Ah, okay... thanks for the info. Oh yeah, that... howinthehell did none of our guys get sick?? Whoa.
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