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Everything posted by biodork

  1. That hill up to Red Rocks is no joke!
  2. That's a great movie. I first saw it in high school German class.
  3. Certainly not life changing, but for $40 I want a bottle of whiskey, not syrup! Although the syrup might last longer... 🤷‍♀️
  4. 8 parrots?? I don't know what would possess anyone to do that on purpose, lol. $40
  5. Bonus complaint: I spent an outrageous amount of money on a bottle of whiskey maple syrup at a farmers market last week because I committed to buy after tasting without asking the price first and didn't want to look cheap by changing my mind. I've decided the only acceptable use for it is to make maple old fashioneds.
  6. I'm pretty sure one of my neighbors has a pet pterodactyl. Their house is across the way, but the squawking is still quite loud and jarring to hear. I feel bad for the people who live right next door!
  7. It's my happy place ❤️
  8. Hiking photo spam... ENGAGE
  9. I have an Android phone, but there must be something similar... Lemme see what I can find.
  10. No idea how to post pictures since the files are too large to attach and I can't figure out how to shrink them, but hiking on a Friday is infinitely better than being at work! Summer wildflowers in the mountains make me 🥰
  11. 😂 I expected this reaction from at least one person! I don't like her second album nearly as much as her first, but she and her brother really are incredibly talented. But to each their own! 🙂 I was always aware of TOP and enjoyed their music, but I never really paid much attention to the lyrics or listened to anything outside their radio hits before. Level of Concern sent me down the rabbit hole when I found myself with excess free time during the lockdown in 2020. Such very talented and surprisingly deep artists (and yes, their live show was incredible). I'd never even heard of NF until I kept seeing his name come up in comments on TOP music reactions, but he's also prolific and an amazing artist who used music as a therapy to work through childhood trauma and turned it into an impressive career.
  12. I saw Billie Eilish in April, and I have tix for Twenty One Pilots and Gorillaz in Sept. I saw TOP last Sept and they are incredible live. Such amazing energy and fans! NF put on a great show last October, too.
  13. Aww, I ❤️ you guys and I think it's awesome anyone still remembers me after all this time. It's very cool to see so many familiar "faces" (and the mobile site looks great, SDS). I just felt like I didn't have anything to contribute since I was primarily posting in the off-topic threads. It was already more difficult to follow the games with the time difference, but the team wasn't exactly fun to watch, either. Maybe I'll give them another try this fall.
  14. Aww, I'm a bad fan... I've completely fallen out of the hockey loop at this point. I'm ashamed to admit I didn't even watch the Avs cup run. 🫣
  15. Right you are; best estimates now based on ease of transmission suggest closer to 60% would be required for herd immunity: https://www.sciencefocus.com/news/coronavirus-can-herd-immunity-protect-us-from-covid-19/ This is a long read, but an interesting post-mortem on how the initial messaging and response to COVID cases was done well and poorly in Seattle vs NYC: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/05/04/seattles-leaders-let-scientists-take-the-lead-new-yorks-did-not
  16. https://images.app.goo.gl/Wf1RHVZJ8Lriavj2A Overly busy with work here. I've hardly followed the Sabres or hockey the last year or more. I'm a bad fan. ?
  17. I am very late to the party here, but I'm pretty sure nfreeman a few others watched Schitt's Creek? I think I'm near the end of season 3, and definitely enjoying it. Moira's absurd outfits and wigs and David's general awkwardness are always good for a laugh.
  18. Took entirely too long, but I finally put a few more things on my hockey wall (including a cool print from our very own @josie).
  19. Sorry I've been MIA, all; my lab is actually running COVID tests (the PCR test for active infections) and we've been absolutely buried the last several weeks. Too much to realistically catch up on here, but I hope you and yours are healthy and safe.
  20. Digging the 70s night theme. Really hoping they bounce back after a brutal outing last night. Edit: oof, I'm apparently still on a delay and it's not a good start. ?
  21. They all were, honestly. It's amazing how accurate they're shooting with so little time to set up. Improved passing probably goes a long way there as well.
  22. This team is actually good enough/fun enough to watch on delay. ? Oloffson is the real deal, and both his and Reinhart's goals were a thing of beauty. More, please!
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