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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. Seriously all Clinton has to do is sit back and let Trump self-destruct.
  2. So far this has been incredibly helpful.
  3. Might be the first time I've agreed with you. It's also worth noting Regier did his work with a small market budget, or as a ward of the NHL. GMTM has unlimited resources.
  4. She learned from the best.
  5. Being self-employed and in my 50's I have health care thanks to the ACA. And it's no more costly than my wife's employer's plan, which is inferior in benefits.
  6. Anyone have an opinion on it? How much is the buffet? What do they offer between periods? Is it a zoo or can you get drinks fairly quickly? Did you feel it was worth the cost to join? It's funny how the Sabres website has practically no information on it.
  7. Offer made at the vet minimum for a camp body. Bush not jumping at it but doesn't have many other options.
  8. Don't you know it. An atheist and a communist! I bet they could even get Vladdy P. to mock up some fake KGB credentials for Bernie.
  9. Stopped reading them over a year ago. The only thing worse than their knee-jerk reactions is the complete 180 they do after. Years ago I wrote to Jerry pointing out how his opinion changed regarding the Mike Williams pick in the 2004 draft (from good to bad) and he said, essentially, his job was to give his opinion at the moment and that he reserved the right to change it when it suits him. At least he's honest about it.
  10. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/putin-trump-national-security-briefings_us_57963cd6e4b02d5d5ed2476b As the GOP nominee, Trump is entitled to regular security briefings. Are you comfy with that considering his close ties to Vlad Putin?
  11. Spirit of Radio, baby! I used to get them in Syracuse when I went to school there. Great station.
  12. I've had a similar fleeting conspiratorial thought.
  13. Why does one need to be arrested when you voluntarily surrender? Sounds like grandstanding.
  14. Isn't that what Republicans want? More people in part-time jobs so their corporate donors don't have to pay for benefits? Get rid of any minimum wage (something Trump promised to do) and they are golden.
  15. Listening to Hockey Hotline, Matt Coller clarifies Kane was not arrested. He did turn himself in.
  16. So why the arrest? Did he miss arraignment? Couldn't he just turn himself in?
  17. Someone please catch me up. Was Kane arrested for a new thing or was he just charged for what happened in June?
  18. True but this was out of left field, promising to defend the LGBT community and offering child care. BTW I'm calling this now: win or lose, one or more Trump kids will be running for office. Thanks but that was d4rksabre.
  19. Well you are correct about it being all fantasy. You are describing a scenario where everything works out exactly as predicted. Can you tell me when that has ever happened? Then factor in the promise the Donald made that everything becomes wonderful the moment he's inaugurated? The only way that happens is if he declares martial law on day one. Did you also pick up on the fact Trump (and his kids) made promises that run counter to the actual GOP platform? Here here.
  20. Trump promised to spend trillions on everything in that speech all while cutting taxes to record levels. Oddly, most of the things Trump promised to spend on (infrastructure, child care, education, TSA) are things the GOP Congress fought tooth and nail.
  21. One more thing: don't equate outrage over these type of events as a lack of respect for police.
  22. Seriously? First, they shot the guy who was unarmed. Second, he had his hands up. He was absolutely no threat. Three, maybe they should make an effort to tell if the other guy actually had a gun before shooting someone? How many guns are fire engine red? And fourth, are you seriously blaming the victim???? And lastly, how much benefit of the doubt do you give the police for letting that man bleed out for 20+ minutes before calling for an ambulance?
  23. And the North Miami PD is in full CYA mode right now.
  24. Did he sign yet? Did he sign yet? Did he sign yet?...
  25. So if someone gets shot at the convention will Kasich have blood on his hands or is it still Obama?
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