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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. I just heard PA on WGR...or his dad. Can't be sure, but the spiel was identical.
  2. I am surprised. Buffalo met every one of his needs.
  3. Can you provide a link to the "widely reported" you are referring to? Not saying I don't trust your fevered imagination, I just don't trust your fevered imagination.
  4. Pegula embarrassed Toronto and MSLE over the Bills. They weren't letting him win here.
  5. Yes. When things go well you are supposed to cheer up.
  6. Only in Buffalo do you find fans turning their team getting the top coach into a crisis.
  7. Since you don't buy tickets it doesn't matter, does it?
  8. This is just an opinion, but my spidey-sense is tingling badly on this Babcock deal. I don't like this apparent indecisiveness. How does a guy not know if he's leaving this far into the process? Someone offers you $6M/yr. and you have to sleep on it? What does this say about his commitment level to the Sabres if he accepts? He's acting like someone who can't decide who to marry. There are always regrets.
  9. I admire your commitment to posting long after your credibility on this topic went up in flames.
  10. If I'm TP I hire Bylsma before Babcock reveals his decision. This has already taken on a LeBron-James-free-agency vibe. I don't want the team to be tarnished by Babcock turning us down. It makes any coaching hire we make look like a runner up. Didn't we just go through that with the draft lottery?
  11. LOL. I guess we know where you get your opinions spoon-fed to you.
  12. You have to take that site with a grain of salt. They don't really break anything, just repackage old news.
  13. Skills? He looks like he couldn't even skate in the rec league I'm in....and I suck. And the fight...seriously??
  14. Anyone remember Wire? Touring again after 20 years. Seeing then in Boston June 1.
  15. Where do you get that? Everything I've seen Rex looks as happy as a pig in poop. The Bills look like a great fit for Rex.
  16. I saw the Sabres at Centre Bell many years ago. I wore my old AHL Bisons jersey. Habs fans are nothing if not hockey smart. I was stopped by dozens of fans who knew my jersey and could name players from that team.
  17. Just remember Buffalo, nothing good ever happens to you. You will always be worthless pond scum. Stop thinking that anything will change.
  18. From 2012. The best and worst of the Sabres rolled into one. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1019321-nhl-concept-jerseys-best-nhl-concept-art-from-around-the-web/page/4
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