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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. I hear this Eichel kid is good. Too bad we can't watch him play tonight.
  2. That's nice. So what's stopping them from just plugging the video feed into SabresTV? They did it last year. Are you saying that the Sabres think no one cares about watching Eichel play outside of the FNC?
  3. If there are going to be highlights, that means video production people will be working, which means there is video that can be streamed.
  4. Especially when they will have game operations people shooting the game for the in-house video for replays, etc. Now they may not have a play-by-play announcer lined up, but a video stream with just the ambient sound is good enough for me. Which they thought enough to broadcast last year. Did interest fall off with Eichel?
  5. Weeks of breathless news coverage suggests otherwise.
  6. Called WGR. Said neither the team or the station had anything planned. That is just stupid. It's Eichel"s first game in Blue and Gold.
  7. Good for you. Meanwhile I live 500 miles away. I guess out of town fans can pound sand.
  8. The first game from our star prospect in a Sabres uni is unimportant? Turn in your fan card, sir.
  9. Well thank heavens for technology. Maybe one day they will invent a way to transmit sounds and pictures of games.
  10. I'm rallying the troops. If you want to be able to see the scrimmage online we need to bombard the Sabres, and maybe WGR, with calls, tweets and emails asking for game coverage. It's a late start but I didn't imagine the Sabres bit making this available. This is a bonehead move. Use #showthescrimmage.
  11. So how do we follow a game that isn't televised or on radio? Update-no plans to broadcast on radio or Web, according to WGR guy. WTF, people. Someone dropped the ball.
  12. That makes no sense. If 15K show up then 150K are interested but can't make it. Besides what else is there to watch? Baseball? By the way, WGR says no radio or webstream of the scrimmage. WTF.
  13. Isn't he the anthem singer? I have a jersey.
  14. Glad to read you have some reasonable views. I am not advocating the demolition of the US economy either, but things have to be corrected. But you do need to let go of your fear of commies. That's so 1950's.
  15. Duh :blush: But seriously, I wrote the Sabres and asked them to stream the game.
  16. The US has been cutting taxes for decades and yet the economic benefits never reach working people. You'd think after getting kicked in the balls economically for almost 40 years, people would wise up? Thank you.
  17. Talk to Yuri Olesha about the whole Soviet motif thing. It was all the rage during the Tank.
  18. So if the game was online no one would go?
  19. Cripes, do you wear a tin foil hat? The reason Sanders is popular is because the middle class is being eaten alive by the 1%. The fact that so many people of simple means would vote against their own interests shows the kind of snow job we get from the media. That's how people obsess over a president's birth certificate while ignoring matters that actually make life harder for them. People like Jeb Bush can kiss my a##. I became self employed because of venture capitalists types expecting me to bust my hump so they could cash out the company I worked for. Every year we set revenue records and every year I was told to make cuts. What was my reward for hitting our goal? An Olive Garden certificate and the chance to do it again next year. It's not a lack of productivity that hurts the US economy. It's these vile leaches sucking the life out of people. The expectation that they deserve steadily increasing profit while workers get layoffs and the survivors are told to be more productive. It's a sick joke. Open your eyes, wookie.
  20. Calves refer to offspring. Cows are female, but I don't think that's a name you want to use.
  21. So why aren't the Sabres streaming the scrimmage for out of town fans?
  22. Why? Lack of support or the NHL club wanting their farm team closer?
  23. The ECHL Wranglers drew well in LV. So did the Aeros in Houston for a time.
  24. Remind me again, we're you cool with Dylan Strom or Noah Hanafin?
  25. As if you have to be a super team to make the playoffs in the NHL. Merely not sucking makes you a contender.
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