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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. How's PA doing? It can be rough when your reason for living suddenly goes away.
  2. I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords.
  3. It is, actually. Considering the position the Bills were in under RW hard choices had to be made. Of course it's easy for fans to complain when they don't realize how awful the alternative would be.
  4. Yeah, the guy was terrible for the Bills, bringing in all that money to keep them viable. :doh:
  5. If ROR blew .08 he was legally DUI. But keep in mind that the threshold of DUI used to be .10. At .08 ROR had some impairment but he wasn't sloppy Dom-Hasek-level drunk. But people drive impaired all the time from lack of sleep, medications, eating, messing with their phones, looking for something under their car seat, etc. So ROR broke the law and tried to run away. That's a bad look and he deserves to get slapped for it. But I'm not going all high-and-mighty over this. Anyone one of us who drank two light beers within one hour would be legally DUI in Canada.
  6. Seriously, how much was the problem Chet & Muffy and how much was the Tank? There is a line you can easily cross from getting you into the game and to annoying the crap out of you.
  7. .08 wasn't even considered impaired for years. 1.0 was the limit. 08 is hardly sloppy drunk.
  8. They did stream it. Announced it about an hour before the game. You think they deserve an apology? For what exactly? All I said was someone dropped the ball. And judging how minimal the stream turned out to be (just the score board feed with no crowd noise) it looks like it truly was a last second decision. Not complaining though. I watched the entire feed happily. But apologies? Uh, no. For a team that does everything top notch this was a misstep.
  9. Auto correct. Sue me. Seriously? An extra D threw you off the trail?
  10. Reinhardt was impressive. Eichel may be tired and feeling the burden a bit. Not worried.
  11. Samson scores off a bad flub by gold goalie. 3-0 Blue.
  12. Whoops Eichel got his pocket picked by #19. Cut him.
  13. Eichel wouldn't be that dumb. Like someone said earlier, that was those two guys game.
  14. ESPN headline: Buffalo fans pack arena to escape July blizzard.
  15. YES! My Friday night is saved! I was going to replace the garbage disposal.
  16. Just called to ask Bulldog why no broadcast. Producer said he didn't know and hung up. Maybe it's a common question today. But it's striking me odd that they aren't even mentioning that fact. Just pumping up how amazing is all going to be. I hope Chz can shed some light on this. It can't be just an oversight.
  17. Kevin Kennedy ‏@kevinrkennedy 14m14 minutes ago 14,000!!! Keep buying! Buy more! No lines right now at box office. http://purchase.tickets.com/buy/TicketPurchase?pid=8057855 … FNC is filling up. At least someone gets to watch.
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