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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. Nice tip but pure dumb luck it went in.
  2. Nothing is stopping Sabre fans from taking advantage of the low prices and catching a game. I'd like to ask where's the excitement for this new team?
  3. The last few SW movies might have qualified as the worst films ever created. Mainly because George Lucas himself wrote the screenplays. Hopefully JJ Abrams told his boss to stick with what he's best at and leave the writing to the pros on this one.
  4. Leno was his last guest, wasn't he? A shot at Letterman? BTW Dave hadn't been funny in 15 years.
  5. Craig Ferguson was flat out brilliant. I'd love to know what he did to piss off Letterman (Worldwide Pants produced the LLS) so bad that Dave never spent a nickel on his show? Craig just turned that lack of respect into more brilliance, like why he had a gay robot sidekick. #Assmode.
  6. Even prices at Air Canada Centre have cratered. $52 CDN to see the Coyotes?
  7. One thing is for sure, secondary market prices are still in the tank. Some games the parking passes are more expensive than game tickets! :doh: Even Leafs fans stopped caring. You can get a ticket to that game this week for $20 on StubHub.
  8. I was going to say something similar. Great cities all have patrons. One or more wealthy families that invest in their cities. It could be for philanthropic reasons. It could be for wealth-building reasons. But the bottom line is cities need investment and no one before Terry was making the kind of serious commitment it takes to revive a region. I'm sure many of us would look around Buffalo and think "this could be a really nice place if we fixed it up." From the waterfront to beautiful old buildings, it has loads of potential. A "fixer-upper" if you will. But to really get things rolling you need someone with Terry's checkbook. You have to be willing to spend the amounts that would scare away lesser developers because failure would mean losing all you have. Terry can afford to eat a few mistakes. The side benefit is once the Pegula's prime the pump, everyone else wants in as well. Suddenly there is a pulse downtown. I don't care why Terry and Kim are doing this. I'm just glad it's happening.
  9. The man had throat cancer. He's lucky he can even speak.
  10. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/bruins-shopping-veterans-after-slow-start--report-162114525.html
  11. You know, on the plus side, it doesn't look like we're going to get sick of that goal song
  12. I disagree. I thought it was offside even when I saw it in real time. Turned out it was close. But even full speed it raised my eyebrows. So I'm not surprised it was disallowed. Also any offensive possession is affected by an uncalled offsides. So even if it's 5 minutes later, if it's the same possession, it needs to be called back.
  13. Thought I'd start a thread for these. CSN Mid-Atlantic: Sabres #25
  14. Let me come in late to comment on the goalkeeping. Lehner looks awful so far. Even in the shut out win, he was out of position a number of times and was lucky he wasn't scored on. It's not that he's slow. He looks lost setting up for plays. I see that kind of play in beer league hockey. I don't expect that in the NHL. Obviously he can't be that bad. How does he get to this level if he is? He needs to get his head on straight and work on the fundamentals of position and reading the play. This is where we may regret losing Arturs Irbe.
  15. "Yeah, yeah, yeah" is going to win. I'm calling it now.
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