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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. This is why the secondary market is so important to teams. It's a buffer against mood swings in the fan base. It guarantees stability in revenue. The ticket resellers absorb the risk. Fans may cuss at resellers when teams are hot, saying they keep "real fans" from affording games, but the resellers buy tickets when fans don't care as much. But what you said is true to a point, and it's something you don't want to see happen, because when the resellers throw in the towel, the franchise is pretty much dead.
  2. Funny, I was "ahead of the curve" when I discussed fan enthusiasm as related to prices in the secondary market. The good news is that the secondary market is picking up. Some games are crossing the "cost" threshold. There are still some sub-$20 deals on weeknights to be had, and prices are still far below box office, even with StubHub fees added in, but there is a definite uptick in interest based on prices and demand. No doubt the Bills season going up in flames recently is a factor.
  3. Actually I expected you to implicate the Pegula's somehow. Pavlovian response.
  4. Rex really 'effed this team up something fierce. Took a great defense and neutered it. Common wisdom says you don't fire a coach after one year, especially one with a rich 5-year deal. But Terry always said he can just drill a well if he needs cash.
  5. You can be pretty much assured Pegs will be launching his own network within two years.
  6. As bad as the double minor on us was don't you think the refs threw us a bone in OT with that phantom hook? Make-up call if I ever saw one. Too bad we didn't cash it in. We still outplayed them for most of the game. Sucks we lost but I'm happy with the big picture so far.
  7. Pedigree plays a big role in an athlete's evaluation. For example if Tyrod Taylor was the Bills' 2015 1st round pick, he would be hailed as a savior. Johnson was considered a placeholder going into this season. A stop gap until a "real" backup emerged. But he's making the most of his opportunities. And it looks like it will be a while before Lehner is back anyway.
  8. Keep in mind there is an NBCSN app that streams games so you can still watch those games, just not on NHL-GCL.
  9. The defense in front of your keeper does matter, which makes our goalie combo even more impressive. I made the comment in last night's game thread the Lehner trade really feels like a waste now. (SDS rebutted) Until Robin gets on the ice for an extended period that question won't be answered, but like TBJ said, we'll start winning games if we can regularly score 3.
  10. Time for me to get to my own rink. Winter season hockey starts tonight. I'll catch the finish later.
  11. Not to harp on TMGM but giving up a 1st for Lehner feels like such a waste right now.
  12. I live in New England and I was amazed how often these old Sabre red/black jerseys were adopted by high schools and junior teams. They were a great look for a modern jersey. Not to mention distinctive.
  13. Thanks for the tip on the Kodi viewer. Really like it. Adds DVR capability (pause/rewind/ff) to watching games. The only complaint is watching live and the game buffers it looks weird and actually speeds up to sync back to live. That's why I often wait 30 minutes to start watching, then FF through commercials.
  14. When has Pegula asked for state money for a stadium? If anything I heard Pegula and Jeremy Jacobs will privately fund a stadium. The state will, however, have to kick in some road and infrastructure improvements.
  15. I forgot this game was tonight. Didn't matter anyway since I had a long boring meeting to attend. Just watched the highlights on NHL.com. Even though the shots appeared in the Sabres favor all game, every highlight shown was Detroit, except for our two goals. (Another offsides challenge, seriously??) One more thing, that penalty shot, what a joke!! I watched the replay several times and couldn't see how Jurco was taken down, other than he felt a stick blade touch him and he fell like a stack of wet dishes. There ought to be replay challenges on those things too.
  16. Just for giggles I looked at other teams like Detroit for comparison. Even there midweek games can be had for $12, and that's a great hockey market.
  17. That fall made the goal. Enroth is girding for a rocket and O'Reilly gets off a knuckler instead.
  18. Crappy rule? Maybe, but would it have killed Gionta to drag a toe? C'mon. They didn't change what is or isn't onside.
  19. The Sabres...Good for what ails you.
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