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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. Photos from the Pluto New Horizons spacecraft load faster than that pic...and speaking of Pluto's surface, that forehead.
  2. Because the story was about what to do right by FNC?
  3. Okay I have to rebut this. Obviously you do not track secondary market prices. Leafs games barely crack $40 which is barely break even when fees come out. So no local fans are being priced out. In fact any Sabres fan can go to games right now at below box office prices, and they still don't go. So spare us the tears and sad violins. Again, games are not selling out now. No one is blocking rabid Sabres fans from attending. FNC is a morgue because no one cares, period. There would be less than 7,000 fans at FNC right now if it weren't for out of town fans. That's reality. So stop blaming STH'ers and go to a game yourself. Tickets are dirt cheap now.
  4. How about half? Scott has a family to feed.
  5. I believe this is what the folks at MLB.com have been working on since the league signed that deal.
  6. How about this? The players get so upset at how the league effed with Scott over this they conspire to feed him the puck all game and let him score, making him game MVP, all to collectively give Bettman the finger.
  7. You have to feel for players like John Scott. Teams want them to goon it up then insult them because they goon it up.
  8. This is so different from the Bills board where Eichel would be declared a bust for not winning the NHL by now.
  9. I bought the WiFi but it's not strong enough for video streaming. So just listening on WGR.
  10. So I'm flying for the 3 hours the game will be on. Do I waste $8 for the WiFi to watch this slop?
  11. I'm starting to think .333 the rest of the way is optimistic.
  12. Anyone who thinks goaltending is the problem isn't watching the games or doesn't understand what they are seeing. IT'S THE DEFENSE!! This team is utterly helpless in their own end!! Any team that establishes possession in our end looks like they are on a power play because we skate around like hamsters. This is my greatest disappointment. This is not even AHL-level defensive play. WTF is DDB doing with these guys?
  13. I'm telling you this team is regressing back to a tank state.
  14. Pysyk = little dog in Polish.
  15. Maybe Terry and Kim radio down to DDB to take those absurd challenges. Or maybe it's Battista controlling Kim & Terry? Bwah-hah-hah-hah!
  16. Is it my imagination or is this team regressing? Didn't they play a lot better in October and November? Is it that other teams have us figured out and we have no answer?
  17. Fuq fuq fuq! Cmon Kane, a little hustle there clearing the end. Wasted a point :angry:
  18. In simple terms, we need 20 ROW wins out of 36 remaining games, with a few OTL's thrown in.
  19. You mean like Harris Teeter? Every time we get a beach condo in Wilmington NC we get to overpay for crap.
  20. Jet Blue had a sale on fares to Denver. Nearly went. Been looking for an excuse to check out the local (ahem) greenery.
  21. They opened a Wegman's in Burlington MA, about 45 mins south of me. I love that they still carry all the foods you can get in WNY like Zweigel's Hots, sponge candy and Vernor's ginger ale.
  22. Frey wasn't exactly a giant. Important part of a legendary group? Sure. A giant? :/
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