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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. Please don't confuse healthy debate with paranoid delusion. There comes a point where all you are doing is looking for the monsters you are convinced are in your closet. Rather than accept the obvious evidence of no monsters, you construct outlandish yet barely plausible explanations why the monsters are really there. Much of this behavior comes from a kind of "battered fan syndrome," where after years of bad management and outright criminal behavior, and vultures circling both pro franchises, we cannot accept it when fortune actually smiles on us. Our benevolent owner is no longer acceptable. Their machinations are not trusted. He/she must now meet some level of unattainable purity, one that constantly shifts with the whim of certain "guardians of thought" who divine evidence of skullduggery in the most innocent transactions. This what SS, and to a lesser extent, TBD have been to reduced to. It's as if us fans long for the days of woe because it defined us. Now we are lost.
  2. Someone suggested Vince Vaughan in the John Scott time.
  3. Probably not as easy, but hey, don't hate the player, hate the game. StubHub is an NHL partner. They encourage this. I could never afford seasons otherwise. Now I get to see the Sabres every trip home and I'll be all set come playoff time. (It is coming one day.)
  4. He's a naturally funny guy, as his Steve Ott video bombs with the Sabres show. He will end up on the air somewhere.
  5. I know you don't believe me but break-even is my goal. I just want to be able to pay off each season. (My current avatar is just a parody of what you all think of me.)
  6. First goal, yeah. Second one, the breakaway, was all Johnny Longlegs. Listened to a little of Hockey Hotline and Andrew Peters proposed the NHL invite one "non-all star" player who has otherwise played a long time or achieved some sort of milestone. Kind of an honorary all-star slot. I could see that, but honestly, trying to recapture the magic of the John Scott ASG moment would fall short. Don't ruin it with a sequel. It's beauty is that it just happened on its own.
  7. The STH'er does not control who buys their ticket. It's offered for sale to anyone be they Sabres or Leafs fan. So if mostly Mostly Leafs fans are at games, is it the STH'er facilitating it or the Sabres fan who can't be bothered to buy a ticket? (Mind you, Leafs tickets on StubHub are going for under box office prices!) I should also point out that right now Sabres game do no sell out, so even if every STH'er didn't sell their seats, thousands of Leafs fans could simply buy tickets at the box office, again thanks to Sabres fans' antipathy.
  8. A visual of what Scott did to Bettman today... http://twitter.com/blogesalming/status/693985010441981955 (Actually NOT really John Scott, despite the name, but a hilarious parody account.) John Scott ‏@RealJohnScott 4h4 hours ago Scored that goal for fat a## Milbury the guys still salty he sucked a## and now he's in the broadcast booth with a tiny d##k #CapnScott
  9. http://www.thehockeynews.com/blog/report-los-angeles-to-host-2017-all-star-game/ Maybe it does come to Buffalo in 2020.
  10. What? Are you that insecure that you can't read these things without wanting someone silenced?
  11. It's not insecurity. It's a lack of respect for liars.
  12. Yeah, "that donut hole in the middle" scored twice and was named MVP.
  13. M...V...P At this point Bettman is all in on the John Scott phenomenon.
  14. Don't flatter yourself. You can only cry wolf so long.
  15. The Canadian national anthem as a country waltz. I like it.
  16. As far as I'm concerned, this is a non-issue until Sabres game are all sold out. On a side note, why don't the Sabres invite Canadian Forces veterans to stand on the ice for the Canadian anthem?
  17. So, just curious, how many Sabres games do you pay to attend? How about at the fans that simply don't attend games period? :thumbsup: BINGO!!!
  18. Keep in mind Sabres fans take over other teams buildings all the time. You want that to stop?
  19. Does my avatar say I feel guilty? But you all are still nuts.
  20. Okay, now I'm sure you're all nuts. You are upset about a travel piece touting Sabres games to out of towners. :doh: This is how delusional you've become. You are upset at the Sabres promoting to out of town fans when our own fans won't go to games. You are blaming out of town fans for spoiling the atmosphere at the same Sabres games most of you won't attend. And you see no irony! Seriously, take a mental health break.
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