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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. They still had their moments getting stuck in their end while CBJ teed off on Lehner. Could have easily been 4-4 with a shootout loss if not for Lehner.
  2. Makes me think that Vince Gilligan can spend the rest of his life creating spinoffs from BB, and I'd watch them all.
  3. Funny, no one had this reaction to Zadarov oversleeping.
  4. So there is marked improvement though not nearly enough.
  5. 0-1-2 in the last three. If the Sabres have any hope of hitting GMTM's challenge of 20 points before the trade deadline, they have to go 9-1-0 or 8-0-2 the rest of the way.
  6. The Residents are playing Boston in late April. I saw them as a stripped down threesome in a club a few years back. I'm sorry I never saw their more elaborate shows. Bryan Ferry is playing on my wife's birthday. She stuffer one who introduced me to Roxy Music. Van Morrison is sold out already. Tacocat is playing the Middle East in Cambridge.
  7. Funny, I didn't think of that. Actually it's my daughters recipe. The secret is to pulverize the whole oats into a flour in a food processor.
  8. What is the advantage to a bare palm? Is it mainly a way to clutch and grab in a stealth fashion or are there other advantages like stick control on penalty shots? Also what is an officials responsibility in making the call? Is he obligated to call a penalty is he becomes aware of a bare palm or illegal curve, or only when the opposing team challenges?
  9. Breakfast: Oatmeal pancakes with blackberry sauce.
  10. Like renaming the the former HSBC building? I like it.
  11. This glove thing is not lighting the interwebs on fire yet. Not even a mention by Puck Daddy?
  12. Rob was shoveling food at the buffet at the Sabres Road Show stop in Boston. The guy must not have time to eat a proper meal.
  13. This is an exchange I just had on Facebook. This person is from Boston and is a hockey referee of all people! XXXXX Here's the excerpt from the NHL rule book:https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CZSpMyMWEAQ4uST.jpg XXX Blame your own team for not bringing the complaint....and equipment violations are commonplace...only cry babies look for them...has no effect on play XXX So you admit the Bruins do cheat? If it has no effect then why do it? Reminds me of another controversy involving a Boston sports team. Offside violations don't affect the game either, but goals are still called back. Because rules, You should know that of all people. ยท XXX I would bet there are just as many violations on the buffalo bench. Why do you need to play the role of a troll? Oh that's right...buffalo inferiority complex...haha XXX This is effin' hilarious! Right on cue, like you are reading off a script. Get caught cheating, then start saying everyone does it. LOLZ! XXXX As an official I know everyone does it...and so does the coaching staffs hence the reason for no challenge. Comparable to baseball and pitchers with pine tar... XXX So why are there rules against it if it's so common and it has no impact? XXXX Caught cheating...blame other team. XXXX Haha...troll XXXX What a dummy Marchand is showing the world his illegal glove. XXX Whatever makes you feel better about yourself Harry...will always be a loser franchise and city XXX Who's the troll now? XXX Guess it's contagious.... XXX Caught cheating AGAIN! What kind of city condones that?
  14. Could the official wave off the PS goal if the Sabres challenged right after on the illegal glove?
  15. Oh it happened. McGinn was in clean on Rask and he got hauled down. Two minutes in the box for the Bruins but no penalty shot for McGinn.
  16. And how McGinn is tackled on a breakaway 10 minutes earlier and no penalty shot??
  17. At least I won a hat. Great event. Impressed at how available and approachable DDB was. He signed my hat.
  18. That was a topic I raised in another thread, whether it would benefit Bills plays to learn to skate, to strengthen their ankles. The pros say no.
  19. I actually asked him about football players skating. Both he and Rob Ray said it was a bad idea. Though Dan did say some Steelers players used to skate with the Pens.
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