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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. What's been our record lately vs playoff teams?
  2. It is relevant when you consider we had Michal Neuvirth and traded him away. We could have just signed him and kept the 1st. Anders Lindback would have been an adequate #2.
  3. 75 points with 4 games to go. Does anyone remember what the Vegas over/under was on point improvement? Was it 28.5 points? We're at 22.
  4. Edmonton hockey is a lonely icy body orbiting in the Kuiper Belt.
  5. Minor gaffes happen. Lehner has the potential to be a huge steaming pile. You don't want two or more of those.
  6. It does. Let's hope he only needs one Mulligan.
  7. Ugh. Not only did we give up a one for Lehner, but we had a perfectly serviceable starting goalie in Michal Neuvirth who we swapped for Johnson from the Islanders. I hope GMTM's body of work offsets his goalie deals.
  8. That entire late scoring chance by the Pens started with Gorges dumb neutral zone turnover.
  9. Relax. They don't even start until they are losing.
  10. People who only want to see games once in a while?
  11. That's the fairy tale, ain't it? Ironically those same poor potential season ticket owners on the wait list can't manage to buy game tickets on StubHub going for half what a per game season ticket would cost!
  12. Totally different aerodynamics. A "knuckle-puck" moves crazy but Jack is using his momentum to curl pucks to the net.
  13. SportsService...You were hungry until you saw the sign.
  14. It will be worth it when they start making the playoffs. And I'll be there thinking of you.
  15. You are very generous with other people's tickets.
  16. I'm having a really hard time understanding the point you are making. You hate opposing fans in FNC and you hate STHers selling tickets but you don't want actual Sabres fans to buy tickets to the game because you're convinced we are reaping huge profits when actually we are taking big losses? Am I getting it right? You don't want to buy my tickets for less than half what I paid for them because you think I'm getting something out of it but you're mad when a Leafs fan buys it?
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