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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. Know what better? The guy said he was coming to Buffalo. Most players don't do what Zatkiff did.
  2. What if you could get him for 1-year/$2MM? Is there a role for the prodigal son to play on this team?
  3. We're basically talking about an 11 point jump from last year. Supremely doable. A lot will hinge on Lehner and whoever is the backup.
  4. NHL Rumors ‏@NHLRumorsDaily 5m5 minutes ago Okposo signs with Buffalo on a 7 year deal DERP
  5. Dominic Hasek used to drink enough alcohol to kill a man then tried to drive home. The Amherst police used to watch for him and get him home instead of arresting him because, well, who else was going to play goal? Google the lyrics to "Run For Your Life" from Rubber Soul. Then tell me what the reaction would be if Kanye West sang them today.
  6. Listen to the lyrics of several Beatles songs. There are frequent references to brutality to women.
  7. Apparently McGinn switched his Twitter photo back to him in a Sabres jersey today.
  8. Jamie McGinn switched his Twitter pic back to his Sabres photo. Interesting.
  9. Yeah. Eff him, man! And his money. And his vision. I thought the article is spot on. Rochester has its head up its rear, as per usual. (Just look at that soccer stadium.) God forbid they work with someone with a track record.
  10. https://twitter.com/McJesus_97/status/748269774832963585 Even EA NHL 2016 thought this trade was a joke.
  11. Not when consider the tax hit in NYS or Canada vs. Income tax free Florida.
  12. Obviously the move was cover for his anti-Russian stand. Kulikov is just Murray's beard.
  13. The locker rooms at BCA are in the basement so players have to climb a flight of stairs in states. Maybe that's the issue?
  14. Let's put the shoe on the other foot. Why should Terry Pegula buy Rochester a new arena if the city doesn't want to pitch in?
  15. This is the problem that was raised in the Megathread thread.
  16. Of course not. That's why you held a trial for him. <_<. You need to show me where there is a city free of problems and issues, especially ones that cratered and turned things around in a day.
  17. It must kill you. If TP never got involved in Buffalo you'd have no idea, or cared, who he was. But because the guy is trying to do some good, he's earned your wrath. Ever hear the expression 'no good deed goes unpunished?'
  18. Take a look at Zillow.com or Realtor.com and look at the prices in the city today. Unbelievable increases, even in somewhat sketchy neighborhoods. You can't even find anything for sale in the First Ward and Valley neighborhoods.
  19. Listening to Andrew Peters this morning makes me feel like he's arguing with himself.
  20. And yet it was the NHL's top selling jersey for a while. FYI I own one.
  21. I think there is an expectation, either from Coller or GR management, that being on the radio means acting like you are an authority, whether you are or not. 99% of the time things you say go in one ear and out the other anyway. You just want to sound like an authority when delivering that opinion. Rarely some a--hole, maybe even someone fitting my description, calls him out for, just an example, declaring Matt Cassel the Bills starter because he played just two series in preseason game #3, just like Ben Roethlisberger did. That earns you a block on Twitter.
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