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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. NB has a point in that the Sabres did not play well or with much passion for much of the middle of the game. We're they tired? Maybe, but considering it's early in the season and they are a young team that isn't a good sign. Are they just not good yet? Probably. Their passing is awful and puck control is non-existent, especially compared to the Oilers. Sabre players were either stuck in place while Oilers skated by them, got beat to lose picks or were out of position. Great they won but still seeing a lot wrong with this team.
  2. This team is still pretty bad, even with Eichel. We still handle the puck like a tank team. We are confused and disorganized.
  3. Another power play where we are just watching the play. No aggression to the puck. Well there you go.
  4. Nice save but how infuriating is it to see three Sabres skate by the loose puck while it drifts toward the slot?
  5. Their puck control is 10 times ours. The puck follows them like a puppy.
  6. Drives me nuts to see other teams attack us when we have the puck in their end. But when they are in our zone we turn into traffic cones.
  7. Lehner might make a save or two more if his defense did more than flail their sticks while they stand still. As for Risto's whiff, tonight wasn't an anomaly.
  8. Risto gets the yips whenever he has a clean shot on goal.
  9. Ugh, the Caps literally have us off balance. Franson was paralyzed in front of the net by his own inertia. Did you see Lehner overplay that? Lucky the shooter lost control.
  10. The failure to make a simple clear in our end results in a goal.
  11. Need to avenge the embarrassing shutout in Boston.
  12. Finally looked at the standings. Almost last place but also just 4 points from a wild card. Weird.
  13. I wish there was some way to get MSG-WNY ala carte on DirecTV. You pretty much have to buy all the regional sports channels, don't you?
  14. That photo makes no sense. It's in the Sabres end. Why would Jack skate all the way there to celebrate?
  15. You could see Anderson turn around and look at where Eichel's shot went in with incredulity.
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