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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. DDB courtside for the UB/Bowling Green basketball game Friday. Dan is a Falcon alum.
  2. God, this team. Win a faceoff and not only can you not play the puck you get called for holding. :doh:
  3. Oh, how we long for the days of Goilisano, Quinn and Regier. Our golden age.
  4. Sigh. I miss Dealin' Darcy. Remember when he got a 1st rounder for Paul Gaustad?
  5. Some have it coming. But, yes, the JM Show is the house organ of the Bills. What do you expect? It's like expecting criticism of Putin on Russia Today.
  6. You ever hear those callers? One guy called to rant about how the Bills never ever sign free agents ($91M spent on FA in 2015) or keep their own players (Jerry Hughes, Marcel Dareus, etc.) or make trades (Shady? Hughes?) What do you say to that guy??
  7. Is this what the kids are listening to these days?
  8. They are probably the only people happy with this. They need bad news to get their mojo. Ever listen to Schopp when something good happens? He has no idea what to say.
  9. I predict a significant drop in season tickets next year. Sub 10K.
  10. F### this team They aren't letting them. The Sabres can't keep up.
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