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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. Of course Dan is back. If they get 6 of the remaining 12 available points they finish with 82, one more than last year, a.k.a. improvement. Then throw in Jack's injury at the start of the season and you can argue bad luck cost you the playoffs. You would have hated the third.
  2. Yeah. Not to take too much away from our team but the Panthers look uninterested. Reimer was a sieve. Whoops, two games in a row. Rodriguez flubs a goal in our end.
  3. Sometimes I wish the Bills and Sabres would just leave town already, rather than read or listen to the endless pissing and moaning about them.
  4. What exactly does being accountable mean here? Publicly accepting blame for failing to reach the playoffs? That will placate people for a day. Fire everyone and start over? Put Bucky and Sully in charge of the Bills and Sabres?
  5. Bucky's P1's (a broadcasting reference to those who are your most ardent audience) are miserable people.
  6. Agree on Bulldog but I've noticed something interesting about him. He has a Zelig quality (see Wikipedia) about him in that he changes depending who his co-host is. He is a different, much better host with Sal or Brad Riter. Schopp dominanates Bulldog, forcing him to essentially be his hype man, going along with whatever narcissistic, pseudo-intellectual jag he's on. Bulldog is at his worst when he has one of contrived aneurysms on air. P.S. I know. It's reigning, not raining.
  7. Can you blame STHers who've had to sell games for $9 or less try to make a little back off Loafs fans? Half that, more likely. And probably only a few.
  8. No matter how we're doing, smacking down the Loafs is a great time.
  9. ...that he recommended to the Pegulas. Oh the horror. <_< See you opening day.
  10. Lehner speaks truth to power. https://twitter.com/Matt_Bove/status/845311746592137218
  11. Jerry Sullivan and Bucky Gleason are the reigning kings of d-baggery in Buffalo media. You're right he isn't that good. Surprised he's climbed the ladder so high despite that fact. But Buffalo is a place where inertia is rewarded. See: Schopp & Bulldog.
  12. The fact an NHL ref even dropped it like that in the first place is a disgrace.
  13. Just saw the Rhinehart goal. That was some pisspoor goalkeeping by Murray.
  14. No one can see the game in a baseball stadium. Why bother?
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