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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. Even though no one can cite one example of Brandon involved in a hockey decision. But I did read that Russ Brandon sneaks in and dulls the skates of mite hockey players that play between periods because he's jealous of how popular they are with fans.
  2. You know if you are going to call fake news, pick something that isn't so easily verified with Google :lol: http://buffalonews.com/2016/10/12/vic-caruccis-bills-wake-call-whaley-nfl-executive-year-candidate-believe/
  3. Taro's and Aud's assertion that RB is a Dbag makes me more convinced there is a campaign to smear him by people who dislike him.
  4. I have it on good authority that Russ Brandon leaked the Eichel story because he was jealous of how popular he was with the fans.
  5. You realize he was considered for GM of the year about a year ago? So let's go with you for argument sake. Assuming he survives post-draft and the Bills make the playoffs, will he be a success or still a failure?
  6. If you pin EJ on Whaley does he get credit for trading down and getting Kiko Alonzo? Why not blame Whaley for the whole 17 years?
  7. If he didn't draft the players then what responsibility does he have for the 2013 season? The GM's work cycle starts in May and culminates next April.
  8. Yes but he took over after the 2013 draft so the table was set for the season. He was responsible from '14 on.
  9. Whaley has been GM three seasons. That's a fact. Ralph was in ill health when Brandon did the lease and not involved with the team day-to-day. That's also a fact. If you want to start making up your own, then I'm not debating you.
  10. Well if you believe Terry Pegula, Brandon's area is strictly sales and revenue, not hockey or football operations.
  11. I have it on good authority that Russ Brandon poisoned Kyle Okposo because he was jealous of how popular he was with fans.
  12. FYI: The team's record is 24-24 under Whaley. Practically 0-48. You can blame RB for all the losses, just like you can blame Whaley and Overdorf or the midget trainer. When do the coaches and players get blamed? The last part is just you unwilling to believe anything positive about Brandon. It's a fact he negotiated that lease. Sorry it goes against your preferred reality.
  13. https://twitter.com/sn590gbrady Greg Brady‏ @sn590gbrady 42m42 minutes agoMore Talked to a few NHL people today - "beyond unprofessional" & "aghast" were terms used to describe Pegula actions today.... Greg Brady‏ @sn590gbrady 42m42 minutes agoMore It's not that you decide to move off of Tim Murray or the more-accomplished Bylsma, but the day AFTER the Eichel story is a bad, bad look. So because of the EIchel story the Sabres were supposed to be paralyzed?
  14. I don't consider Whaley to be a bad GM. In fact the Bills have more talent than ever. The fact he sucks at press conferences is meaningless to me. As for the Toronto series, the team didn't need any help making themselves laughing stocks. They managed to do that on the field themselves. That's like saying they lose because they can't play all their games at home. That series wasn't popular but it made craploads of money. Brandon was hired by Ralph to find money to keep the team viable. He did that. Here's something else Brandon did that no one likes to give him credit for: He put the $400MM "poison pill" in the Bills lease with the county that would have penalized any owner who tried to move the team out before the end of the lease. That soured several potential outside bidders for the Bills. But he's a mean old d-bag so it doesn't count.
  15. 1) Pegula said specifically Brandon's role is strictly away from team operations. Are you saying it's not true? Got proof? 2) Brandon's role was to find revenue. The Toronto series earned the Bills $9MM/game! Three times what a home game earned. You can debate what effect it had on the players, but from a revenue standpoint it was genius. 3) He did hire Whaley because, you know, someone has to be the GM. 4) Rex was a bad hire. I'll give you that.
  16. Brandon, that bastard! What depth won't he stoop to?
  17. C'mon Taro. Lay the cards down. Connect the dots. Are you indicting Brandon for being a part of an organization that doesn't win? I've worked in radio for decades. They don't fire sales people when the ratings suck.
  18. It's not so much a love of Brandon as a hatred of witch hunts. What's stopping you and Taro from just spilling the beans? Lay it all out. The fact he's a d-bag is not a reason. Many awful people are good at what they do. But if you can give me proof that he actually did something to hurt the team, I'm listening.
  19. So basically you've got nothing. BTW the jealousy of GMTM being popular is hilarious. Maybe jack Eichel's in his crosshairs now?
  20. Everyone knows Brandon sucks but no one can say why, other than to blame him for moving camp to SJF or the Toronto Series...you know, making money for the team. a.k.a. his job. <_<. I'm all ears if anyone wants to PM me and set me straight. All I know is I've read post after post of frustrated fans looking for a scapegoat. If it's not Brandon, it's Overdorf, or Berchtod, or the midget trainer, or the guy who drives the team bus.
  21. Want more Brandon chum? He knew the Sabres were going to lose 20-30% of the season ticket base if the status quo was maintained. How's that?
  22. So Brandon hated how "popular" Murray was? Seriously?? I smell poop.
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