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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. I wonder how folks would feel if TP said about his coach "he's a fine man who keeps the Sabbath" or "he's made the Hajj pilgrimage?"
  2. 1) She did not meet with people separately. Terry & Kim met each separately. (I misunderstood Terry's statement, which is why you believe this to be the case. It's not. 2) Why do you hate Kim being involved? Because she's a woman? She has as much experience running a sports franchise as her husband. But I suppose male reproductive organs make one smarter.
  3. "Terry, meet Dan. I'm hiring him to be coach." "Welcome to the organization, Dan." (Example of indictable level of ownership meddling to PA.)
  4. To which I ask what are your options if you are Terry Pegula. Let things roll because it's only been two seasons (three for Murray) or blow it up because you don't see how it's getting better? He did the painful but correct thing here. He'll take his lumps from the all-wise experts but he did the right thing.
  5. Already working on that television career figuring Buffalo is done. Beg to differ. Goalie was struck while in the crease. That's interference. What is debatable is whether the goal was a result of the collision. That could have been called the other way since so many more puck contacts occurred between the collision and the puck going in.
  6. Eh, could have been called either way. But glad it was upheld. Hope Ottawa wins and I can see bitter tears in New England. Their teams always get screwed over, you know.
  7. Goalie interference on Bruins in OT? Under review. Upheld.
  8. Was George Seifert with them? (Sorry, an old TBD meme)
  9. It's just an observation. He has mentioned religion when introducing Bylsma and McDermott. Not knocking him for that. Just pointing out that it's a quality that matters to him.
  10. Makes for a better story. They said the same thing about Sidney Crosby and Bylsma in Pittsburgh. How'd that work out? I do. You are free not to.
  11. No, it's just an observation that McD and Bylsma were very devout religious people, as the Pegulas are. And it's fair to ask if being religious tips the scale in Terry's mind.
  12. Questions not asked that I would have. "Did you have any discussions with players?" "Explain why you and your wife spoke to Tim Murray separately? How does Kim's input go into the decision process?" "Months back the Sabres organization surveyed season ticket holders and among the questions asked was how likely are you to renew. Did those answers stem, even in a small way, the decision to make a change?"
  13. https://www.nhl.com/sabres/video/terry-pegula-press-conference/t-277437090/c-40474303 Well it was there.
  14. http://www.foxsports.com/nhl/gallery/these-nhlnfl-crossover-uniforms-are-absolutely-gorgeous-041417 NFL uniforms in hockey team colors. These look sharp.
  15. How long has there been a "fire Bylsma" thread here? How about a thread questioning Murray? The owner does what we want and he's the bad guy. I feel bad for the Pegulas because all they wanted is to do something nice for the "long suffering fans of WNY" and all they get in return are people s##ting on them. Terry should just sell the teams to owners that would move them far away. It's the only way to end this madness.
  16. Maybe the headline that says "Whaley Executive of the year candidate? Believe it!" makes my point better than yours. And Doug doesn't need my tickets. Terry lets him use the team box. Stop flailing, NF.
  17. Sorry, I was condensing what you and Aud were hearing about Brandon but couldn't discuss.
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