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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. Trulio scores. He was the throw-in in the Savoie trade.
  2. You get any league signed with FLO. I think Atlantic Hockey (Niagara, Canisius, RIT) is on FLO.
  3. https://www.yardbarker.com/nhl/articles/flosports_to_expand_ahl_coverage/s1_17352_40884321 Say goodbye to AHL TV and their fairly reasonable $44/yr one-team subscription. It's now part of FLO Hockey. The good news is you don't just get AHL games, but ECHL, college, juniors, etc. Any league contracted with FLO, you'll get to see their games. The bad news is the price. $30/mo or $12.50/mo if you buy the entire 12-month year. So the cheapest subscription is now $150!! And I was looking forward to watching the Amerks this year.
  4. If I'm anything, I'm consistant.
  5. My point is simply beware of wishing for a new owner. It's not the panacea some believe it is. It could be the start of something bad.
  6. You want Terry to do what exactly? Do the Walk of Shame down Washington? Spend money? On what exactly? Players? They have to want to sign here. New coaches? Done. New GM? Okay, why not. Changing regimes...again...definitely won't make it even harder to sign players. The truth is if you ever want the Sabres to turn it around, they better do it with the people and players they have now.
  7. Did he not hire a new coach with vast experience and a history with the franchise?
  8. All that can be true. It doesn't force Terry to sell. There is no White Knight owner waiting in the wings.
  9. That isn't the owners responsibility. That's the job of his GM and coaches. And as far as I know there is no NHL bylaw that says owners have to make the playoffs or else sell the team. I get that everyone wants to start over with a new owner. Someone rich who will throw money at the Sabres and hire the best and biggest names to run the team. The only people who would do that AND keep the team in Buffalo are folks like Terry Pegula, someone with a long history of Sabres fandom. But someone would have to be really rich. So rich that tying up a billion dollars in an asset that generates a small profit in its best years is no big deal. Yes the franchise value increases but our new wonderful winning owner won't want to sell, right? Any Sabres sale opens a door we may not like.
  10. Allow me to play devil's advocate for a moment. You seem convinced that spending more money solves all the Sabres problems. Elite players will line up to come to Buffalo because the Pegula bucks are flowing freely. What does that get you? Massive profits? Hardly. Buffalo fans think $30 is too much to see the team. The undying appreciation of SabreSpace? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Increased franchise value? The value of the Sabres did okay despite a 12 year playoff drought. Winning a cup likely wouldn't add a nickel in value because the Sabres worth is relative to rest of the league. And we are permanently locked at #30 in that rank because of the market: Buffalo. So other than having another winning franchise, which I do think is the goal, there isn't much else you get from being a winner. The asset increases in value but you don't realize that value until it's sold. Now let's say it's another bad year. Terry finally decides he's had enough and wants to cash out and just focus on the Bills and Bandits. Who is going to pay likely over $800MM for this team? Who's going to pony up that kind of dough for a middling team in one of the NHL's least attractive markets? Oh, plus the arena needs another $300MM-$400MM in improvements on top of that. I'm sure the line of interested buyers will stretch around the block. 🙄 But keep telling yourself the Sabres will never leave.
  11. Such hubris. Let's hope you're right. But those billion dollar arenas going up in places like Atlanta with no actual promise of a team aren't there for decoration. And Utah just broke the relocation seal. The league isn't going to sit there and tolerate sub-10K crowds forever.
  12. They got a lot more than him, but it all starts with him. Also, just for accuracy, the NLL has 16 teams now.
  13. I'll tell you one person who is all-in with the Sabres this year is Conehead beer guy. I ran into him in the parking lot at Innovative (Frontier) Field in Rochester Saturday. (Apparently he works games all over.) I asked him how he thought the Sabres would do and he was 100% sold on Lindy whipping the boys into shape. Let's hope he's right.
  14. How is it the Sabres have issues but the Bills and Bandits are champion caliber? Also, no one is spending $750MM for the thrill of owning an NHL team in Buffalo. Anyone who'd want them at that price will move 'em elsewhere.
  15. Unsubstantiated rumor of an accident killing a well known NHL player going around this evening.
  16. There will probably be a few more on NHL Network.
  17. You forgot to use ALL CAPS.
  18. One thing putting Sabres games on free over-the-air TV would do is allow viewers in Southern Ontario to see Sabres games. I'm not sure the Leafs could block games on local cable if they are on a regular TV channel. They definitely can't block the TV signals.
  19. My optimistic take....
  20. You can't compare those days, when there was a only a handful of channels, to today's limitless media landscape. If you want kids to watch maybe broadcast games over Twitch or Tik Tok
  21. Anaheim Ducks games will be broadcast over the air free and streamed free in SoCal. https://www.nhl.com/ducks/news/ducks-announce-partnerships-with-victory-kcop-channel-13-to-televise-all-regional-games-for-free
  22. I had to give up playing goal in 2019 when my knees had prosthetics installed. Then to make sure I don't get any stupid ideas they put me on blood thinners. (Bruising is not a good idea.) So now I'm a pickleball fiend. A terrible photo of me in net.
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