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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. I think Metro Rochester is a nicer place than Metro Buffalo. But pretty much every other city in NYS (outside of NYC) is dumpy. Worst places I'm familiar with are Amsterdam and Utica. Syracuse is nothing to brag about either.
  2. I just thought that if you are getting bagged like that, you owe it to your home fans to at least look like you are trying to wreck the shutout. Instead they ran out the clock. That's like the cherry on a crap sundae.
  3. Is it a bad look that the oilers didn't even try to wreck Lehner's shutout?
  4. For once the Sabres aren't the team being booed off the ice
  5. And she let him, and she was hot, hotter than that guy deserved.
  6. Anyone see that guy pull his girlfriend's shirt down?
  7. Forgot about the Metros. That would be an excellent choice. Your mascot could be "Gooey Louey the Geoduck" but he would look too much like a schwanz.
  8. I'd love to see the Seals brought back. Maybe even revive the trippy original Oakland logo. https://goo.gl/images/HyL9i7 Totems is good too since it's a legacy name. The rest suck.
  9. Nice low blow. Speaking of Lundquist bailing out the Rangers, did he have to do that all game? No? Gee.
  10. Well thanks for setting me straight. The Sabres are just a goalie away apparently.
  11. How many times does Lehner have to bail this clown show out? 10? 20? You never played the sport. You have no grasp on what is actually happening and where responsibility falls.
  12. I don't think you actually believe that because all your anger is focused on the goalie and none on the f##kups on this team.
  13. And what have the rest of the Sabres done? I think you are too focused on the end result and not paying attention to the dominos falling before the goals. The game would be 10-3 if not for Lehner. I bet he's praying he gets traded off this s##show.
  14. Because he knows he has to make the save or else. Our D couldn't stop a drip.
  15. It's called cutting down the angle, which good goalie do. The problem with the Sabres is a defense that thinks it's supposed to float around instead of covering opponents. But, sure. Blame the end result in Lehner. The Sabres are awesome on defense. <_<
  16. Defensively clueless. Do they not see open players in their end, or do they not care?
  17. It's more likely they lay a turd tonight, falling behind early. Still on vacation in the head.
  18. So, kids, tune in to see if they still suck! I guess a sense of humor is one of the casualties of this season.
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