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  1. No lack of effort from the boys tonight.
  2. ESPN+ can't sell ads for these late games?
  3. There's a lot of defense happening.
  4. Why are there gladiators sitting behind the Sabres bench? Guerilla movie marketing?
  5. I liked seeing us pressuring the Kings.
  6. I was going to say you didn't get my meaning. But after thinking about it, you're 100% correct. 👍
  7. I would like to politely bow out of any further discussion on this matter. We will not agree. I just want to follow my team and cheer for success.
  8. What you are doing is focusing only on the negatives to support your premise. Again, he has two successful franchises.
  9. So there's an even chance for an outcome that makes people happy, whatever that outcome may be.
  10. Some people need to keep the razors away from their noses.
  11. Exactly. Thanks for getting that. But as I mentioned in another response, if the Bills and Bandits are so successful, is that not a reflection of ownership too? That's good advice.
  12. Obviously because one team is a champion contender and the other team is struggling to break a playoff drought. Ironically that same champion caliber team had it's own 17-year drought that seemed equally as hopeless, that ended under Terry's ownership. I'm glad you used this example. If a team's success is such a direct reflection of the owner, then Terry must be a great owner, right? He already owns a twice-champion lacrosse team. (Did I just hear heads explode?) Oh right, we have an accepted narrative to explain that incongruity. 🤣
  13. I imagine this reading your post.
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