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Everything posted by sabills

  1. Honestly, I love the sessions. I'd agree that there is a very little difference between a session and a pale ale, but most pale ales just don't have that super floral hop aroma I love. All-day IPA fo' life.
  2. Ironborn storyline from the books never did much for me anyways. I'm ok with a shakeup. Agree, though, kingsmoot was blech.
  3. Dang, that sucks. I'd almost feel bad taking a ticket from a Canadian in that case, he means so much more to them.
  4. There's a theory out there that the "bear" he bedded was actually Jorah Mormont's aunt: http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php?/topic/80928-tormund-husband-to-bears/
  5. I am a huge latecomer to the Hip. D4rk and others tried to introduce me to them in highschool but it never stuck. Never, until I saw them in concert for the first time, and stood in awe of Gord. I'll never hear the song "Scared" without picturing standing out at the Outer Harbor in the pouring rain, with a soaked Gord willing the elements to do their worst. Probably the best thing Jerry Sullivan has ever written: http://www.buffalonews.com/city-region/despite-rain-tragically-hip-delivers-warm-energetic-performance-20130720
  6. To add on to that, I think it'll go down different in the books. There I feel like Dany will finally make the connection with Drogon, and will either warg into him (less likely to me) or mentally "call" for him (this is my bet). Its hard to show that in the TV show, so they took some liberties and made her fireproof/telekinetic.
  7. Cunneyworth going into player development. According to Murray its been the plan since last year.
  8. corndogsnearme.com is an actual website
  9. It was great. I was amazed they were able to juggle that many superheroes, introduce 1.5 more, and still make them all feel important. The airport fight was hilarious and well done,
  10. I'm just calling it The Bank from now on. Its on its fourth one afterall.
  11. Stone Pataskala tonight. I had it when I was out in San Diego a month back and it was amazing fresh. Still very good out of the bottle. Recommended.
  12. I'm pretty sure there are no Old Gods. The children don't talk about them. I think, instead of praying to the trees, the Children just used them as a communication device/oracle type thing, and the First Men just interpreted it wrong. Maybe its the ancestors of the CotF who they are talking to as Bran is trying to talk to his dad, but still, they're not really gods. Mostly the same, but he said each time he did it he felt hollower, or something like that. God, they couldn't even get a third actor for the "They were seven, facing three..." part? That is the best passage in all the books for my money, they could have just word for worded it and it would have been perfect. Dumb.
  13. Naw. I somewhat understand the DD hate here, but even Babcock called and said "Just kidding! Toronto, I'll coach you guys!" I'd be hesitant. You take all these young guys and toss them in this system, then pull the rugs out from underneath them their second year? No thanks. Ok, maybe if Babcock actually said " Toronto".
  14. I've always wanted to do some semi-serious photography, but I've never been willing to commit the money to it. Here's a couple of random photos that turned out better than they should have. Random picture I took with my phone, in 2008. Over looking the Genesee Valley from an apartment complex near Geneseo. If you remember what cameras were like on 2008 phones you'll see why I was happy about it. Same year, but I think on a digital camera of some variety. Blue Mountain lake in the ADK. That's my wife pre- being my wife behind the reeds. The same picture everyone who's ever visited Letchworth has taken. I do like this one, though. View from one of the grain elevators in Silo City. Super low res, so don't look to close :/
  15. What would that take? Probably flop 2016 first plus a 2017 first to move up for the Sabres? I don't know if there's anyone I want that bad after the top three. Guaranteeing their top D-man might be worth it I guess. Reconsidered, not worth it. Would all of our threes work? (I know it would not)
  16. What position do they give you for carrying skates?
  17. If there is an upside for TO winning the lotto its that we get to steal their savior for all International events. Eichel first line center and Matthews second line center for the US for a decade and I'll be a happy man.
  18. Yeah, make sure you do Dreger and McKensie. Craig Custance is good from ESPN, though most of his articles are Insider only (which I have). Greg Wyshinski is an ass, but funny usually. @RegressedPDO is good if you're into the analytics thing. For Locals I follow all the WGR guys, especially Matthew Coller and P-Ham, plus Kris Baker, who's the sabres prospect guy. That'll give you a jump, they'll retweet people all the time who are interestng follows. PS, get ready to have the same thing reported 15 times in a row on your feed by different people. "Corey Perry signs new contract with the Ducks" "Its official: Perry sticking with Duck for 6 more years" "New contract for Corey Perry; well deserved." etc. PPS. McCabe is back out there for the US
  19. Yeah, I have no idea how you don't know if if you're on Hockey Twitter at all, haha
  20. I almost started a generic "Pets" thread, but I didn't want to get in trouble... I'm as mentally prepared as possible for that eventuality, haha. Yeah, I've been browsing it for years now. The adoption agencies put their stuff upthere and sometimes don't even have their own website, just that and a facebook. Saves them a lot of work. petango is another one.
  21. Does this count as a generic "Pet" thread? Because its about to be. [/RexRyan] Me and the wife are getting a puppy soon. We're meeting him tomorrow, and if it all goes well we'll probably take him home. I am super excited/terrified about all of this, but I can't wait. Here's our little dude, final adoption and name change pending: https://www.petfinder.com/petdetail/34823535
  22. I might have talked about this here before, but I still like the idea that when the Red Priests bring someone back they really only bring back the body. The flesh is there, with the memories still in its brain, it believes it is the person it was, but the soul has moved on (and maybe something else moved in). The old "he came back, but he came back wrong" thing. This would explain a couple things about previous resurrections, and it also would leave the door open for the "Jon warged into Ghost" theory to be true. As he died, he warged his soul/mind into Ghost, but then Mel brings his body back. He'd be trapped in Ghost until eventually learning how to warg on command like Bran (and Arya) have, so that he could take his body back. IDK if that's what will happen, in the show OR the books, but I think it would be a cool twist on the simple res. theory.
  23. All I get out of 120 is booziness. If I ever get some again I'm going to let it mellow out for a while.
  24. I assume all of these are true all of the time.
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