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Everything posted by sabills

  1. Yeah, I'd rather trade away a protected first then bring one in.
  2. I've come around a bit on McDermott; I DID think he was a dinosaur because thats the soundbites he was projecting. I think he's different than that in reality. Which means he's just pandering which is also annoying, but whatever. Maybe he's doing the Belichick thing.
  3. The way the schedule looks right now the Bills could be pretty mediocre and still get 11 wins. Games they'll lose: Pats x2 Games they'll probably lose: Cowboys Ravens 50/50 Games: Browns Jets Eagles Games they should win: Dolphins x2 Titans Steelers Broncos Redskins Realistically, nobody on that list after the Cowboys really scares me.
  4. Why do I get the feeling this is going to be summation of the Josh Allen era?
  5. Good riddance to bad rubbish and all that. Now fire Tyreek Hill into the moon.
  6. I live in that same area and I didn't notice an appreciable difference in traffic when that started, but I'll agree that the Slow Roll needs to die a swift death. Or at least move to like 2 hours later.
  7. Nice rundown of how freakin' complicated it is to be a QB in the NFL. Really interesting.
  8. Here's the great hunter himself in action tonight https://streamable.com/rsb9p
  9. I swear we had a topic like this before, but I couldn't find it in a search. Anyways, new skyway plans: https://www.wkbw.com/news/local-news/city-of-lights-wins-skyway-redesign-will-remove-skyway Pretty cool if they get it done. Color me skeptical, but I like the idea. Sucks for people who live in hamburg, but other than that I think it'll be a good thing.
  10. Literally the only thing you trade that for is a Drew Brees type QB (meaning Drew Brees when he was traded). A saftey? I might give up a third for it.
  11. He almost had one last winter when we were walking near the Richardson complex. If I hadn't been holding the leash he would have had it. He was so excited the whole walk back, haha.
  12. Thats not nothing for the Bills. They play the stillers week 15, plus it makes that wildcard spot easier. Not that they were any great shakes this year BEFORE that, but this should essentially kill Pittsburgh playoff homes entirely.
  13. Its just a matter of time before my dog gets something. We're in the city with a small backyard, but being in the city we get rabbits, mice, and yes, rats back there. Every night before bed I let him out there and he tears through the backyard checking the couple places they hide. I've seen him within an inch of catching something back there a few times. Dachshund/Terrier mix, its what he's made to do, so I don't blame him, I just don't feel like cleaning up a mess. Though I won't mind when if he gets a few rats, as long as he doesn't get himself all scratched up first.
  14. Lord willing and the creek don't rise.
  15. And
  16. I think this has happened to me recently. I used to drink Blue as my cheap beer option, but I had a couple on Friday Night and was up until 2AM with killer heartburn. If I drink too much beer I will get SOME heartburn if I don't take a Tums or two before bed, but this one was BAD, and Tums/Pepto didn't seem to have any effect.
  17. This I wholeheartedly agree with
  18. Ok, maybe I over stated his innacuracy somewhat, but this chart anyways seems to agree with me on the Beasley and Brown throws, haha.
  19. Catchable is not good. That throw to Brown was catchable, but it was a bad throw, too. If my WR needs to go to his knees to make a catch its just a bad throw. They brought in Beasley because the dude has a 50 foot catch radius because they KNOW Allen can't throw accurately. Beasley screwed up and could/should have caught it, but its a bad pass.
  20. Ayup. I think he's Ryan Fitzpatrick with a better draft position and a less impressive Alma Mater.
  21. Agreed, but its still a bad throw: Beasly is wiiide open there, and Allen puts it in the dirt from 10 yards away with little pressure on him..
  22. Allen was pretty bad yesterday. 4 turnovers, should have been 6 except for a penalty and a drop. You can blame Beasley for that first INT, but that ball was low and nearly uncatchable anyways. He rarely hit a receiver in stride; even the TD to brown was behind him. The late near pick by the endzone was either late or behind the wideout as well. The Defense is great, they're better on the O-Line and at the skill positions; I'm worried Allen will be what holds back an otherwise decent team.
  23. If I had to bet these were the guys that were the best for their team...that they could get the rights to use.
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